Ektron.Cms.UrlAliasing.ICommonAliasManager, is an interface and cannot be constructed

  • Updated

This error can occur if the code is using legacy alias APIs that existed in 8.5 Ektron versions and an upgrade was conducted to push it to 8.60.

For a complete list of UrlAliasing Framework API, click here.

Legacy Ektron.Cms.Framework.Settings.UrlAliasing APIs include the following:

There were changes in the framework to accommodate for newer functionality that was to be introduced in later version.

Although some issues were resolved in 8.6SP1 and cumulative updates for legacy APIs, it is recommended to use the AliasManager, as it is the intended framework for UrlAliasing from version 8.61 and up.

New Ektron.Cms.Framework.Settings.UrlAliasing APIs include the following: