What are Customer and Product Groups?
Several dashboards within B2B Analytics offer the ability to view and/or filter the data by customer and product attributes, called Customer and Product Groups.
Customer and product groups are set by you in your instance. During the setup process, you will be asked to provide up to five customer attributes and up to five product attributes that will be linked to your Analytics instance to drive the charts and filters that reflect this data.
Once you have selected your five customer and five product attributes, the Optimizely engineering team will link those attributes to the customer and product group fields in the backend of your Analytics instance.
What is the benefit of customer and product groups?
Once linked, you can filter most of the dashboards by a specific value among the attributes. The customer and product group charts will provide a summary of total order value for each value.
For example, if your Customer Group 1 is set to the attribute of Region, you can filter the Order Channel report to show only data related to the East Region or the West Region. Similarly, if your Product Group 1 attribute is set to the attribute of Brand, you can view your total order value by Brand under the Top Product Groups by Revenue chart on the Order Channel dashboard.
Where can I see the customer and product groups charts?
The customer and product group charts are visible on the Order Channel, Abandoned Cart, and Online Orders dashboards.
To change which customer and product group appears in the charts, look for the Top Customer Group Selector and the Top Product Group Selector in the filter menu. Changing this selection changes the customer and product groups displayed in the Top Customer Group by Revenue and the Top Product Groups by Revenue charts.
Where can I see the customer and product groups filters?
The customer and product group filters are available on all the Orders and Marketing dashboards, except eCommerce Campaigns. Additionally, the customer group filters are available on the Search Events, Self-Service Events, and Mobile App Analytics dashboards.
To find the filters, look for the Customer Group 1-5 filter in the filter menu. The filter will populate with all of the values that are represented in the data. You may select just one value or multiselect a group of values for a customized view of the entire dashboard.
What attributes should I select?
When selecting the customer and product attributes to link to B2B Analytics, you should think about what attributes your company typically uses when analyzing your customer list and product list.
When selecting an attribute, remember the following requirements:
Each customer or product must have a one-to-one relationship with the attribute field. For example, a customer can only be assigned to one region.
The attribute information for each customer or product must be available in the Admin Console of your Optimizely ecommerce site. The attribute may be a custom field, but the data must be visible on the Product Detail or Customer Detail page.
To confirm that the attributes selected are visibile on the Product Detail and Customer Detail pages of the Admin Console, follow these steps:
- For customer attributes: log into the Admin Console of Configured Commerce > Customers > the Edit or View icon next to any customer. The attributes you select should be listed on one of the tabs of the Customer Detail page.
- For product attributes: log into the Admin Console of the Configured Commerce > Catalog > Products > the Edit or View icon next to any product. The attributes you select should be listed on one of the tabs of the Product Detail page.
What some examples of attributes frequently used by clients?
Examples of common customer group attributes are Customer Region, Customer Vertical, Customer size, and Primary Customer Warehouse
Examples of common product group attributes are Product Category L1, Product Category L2, Product Type, and Product Brand.
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