Global search for Experiment Collaboration

  • Updated

The global search bar finds tasks, campaigns, events, pitch requests, library files, or hypotheses.

Search the Experiment Collaboration Instance

Enter a term in the global search box where you can search for a hypothesis.

  • Search results display best matches as you type. Keywords matching your search term are highlighted in the results.
  • Global search does not include archived objects. To view archived work, use the Plan view.
  • Results are grouped by the category (Tasks, Library, and so on) in which you can find and order them with the most relevant on top.
  • To see more results in a particular category, click See results, or click a category name (such as Hypothesis).
  • Click a result to open the object in Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) and minimize the results pane. Your search terms and results are saved; click the search box to retrieve.
  • Click X to clear your search results and clear the search term from the search bar.


Each result contains key metadata to distinguish among results with similar names. For instance, tasks results display the task title, description or article text (depending on where the matched term is found), campaign name and color, the date due or completed (if any), if it was archived, and the workflow name.

Refine your search

You can select a specific category from the drop-down list in the search bar to search only within that category. The following image shows a search refined to only hypotheses:


Troubleshoot global search

For an object to display in results, the search term must match text within that object. For hypotheses, the searched text areas are:

  • title
  • description
  • variation title
  • variation text
  • text-based fields

If you cannot find your hypothesis in the global search bar, enter another, less-specific search term.