- Optimizely Web Experimentation
- Optimizely Feature Experimentation
View dashboards and reports for Optimizely Experimentation using Optimizely Reporting, which you can access through your Opti ID account.
- You must have an Opti ID account.
- Your Opti ID user account must have a role for an Experimentation instance.
- Your Opti ID user account must have a role for Reporting.
Site navigation
Log in to Optimizely Reporting through the following URL: https://home.optimizely.com/. Select Optimizely Reporting or use the product switcher in the global navigation bar.
After you log in, your product instances and dashboards display on the landing page. Each product instance has pre-defined dashboards—click a dashboard to view it.
The dashboards include tooltips for each metric and graph that explain exactly what data each metric and graph displays. To view the tooltips, hover your cursor over the information icon:
On each dashboard, you can:
- Filter to further refine the data
- Expand, download, or view a visualization for specific tiles within the dashboard
- Download the entire dashboard
- Change the time zone
Filter dashboards
Each dashboard has filters you can use to further refine the data, which you can optionally hide and reset. You can only filter by projects and experiments that your user account has access to.
The last time the system refreshed the data displays at the top. Any time you adjust the filters, you must click Reload to apply your new filters.
Expand, download, and view dashboard tiles
To expand a tile on a dashboard, click Tile actions > View > Expanded. From the expanded view, use the left and right arrows to scroll through other dashboard tiles.
To download data for a specific dashboard tile:
- Click Tile actions > Download data.
- Select your desired Format.
- (Optional) Expand the Advanced data options section and adjust how to format the data for the download.
- Click Download.
Specific dashboard tiles have the option to view a data table by clicking the data on the tile.
On the data table view of a dashboard tile, you can:
- Expand and view the filters for the data.
- Drag and drop to reorder columns.
- Sort columns in ascending or descending order.
- Freeze and unfreeze columns.
- Copy column values.
- Autosize the columns and reset the column widths.
- Download the data table.
Download a dashboard
Similar to downloading a single dashboard tile, you can download the entire dashboard:
- Click Dashboard actions > Download.
- Complete the following fields:
Format – Select PDF or CSV.
- PDF – Generates one file for the entire dashboard.
- CSV – Generates a file for each tile within the dashboard.
Paper Size – Select Fit Page To Dashboard, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, or A5. For more information on A paper sizes, see papersizes.org.
An additional Orientation option (Portrait or Landscape) displays for Letter, Legal, and Tabloid.
- Expand tables to show all rows – Select this checkbox to display all rows in each table.
- Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column – Select this checkbox to display dashboard tiles in a single column.
Format – Select PDF or CSV.
- (Optional) Click Open in Browser to view the results in a new browser tab.
- Click Download.
Update the time zone
If you want to change the time zone for your dashboard, click Dashboard actions > Dashboard time zone.
Select your desired time zone from the Viewer time zone drop-down list, then click Update.
Experimentation reporting dashboards
Program Overview
Click the Program Overview dashboard to view the pre-defined data and charts.
Experiment Status
You can view the experiment status for projects in your account, including how many are in Draft, Paused, Running, and Concluded status.
Concluded Experiments
You can view the outcome of the results for your concluded experiments, including how many had Positive, Inconclusive, and Negative results. These values are determined by the results outcome field in Optimizely Experimentation.
Experiment Velocity
Started Experiments – Experiments plotted by the date that you most recently started or published them. This shows the growth trajectory of your experimentation program.
Total Started Experiments – Groups the number of started experiments by experiment type, including the total number of variations for each experiment type. This helps you understand how you may be taking advantage of other experiment configurations.
Frequently Used Pages – Groups the number of started experiments by the pages used in the Web Experimentation setup.
Frequently Used Metrics – Groups the number of started experiments by the primary metric used in the experiment.
Variations per Experiment – Averages the total number of variations (including control) for the started experiments. This helps you understand whether you are following best practices of testing multiple variations in a single experiment to increase your chance of finding a winner (some source is needed about the benchmark report).
Click the Trends dashboard to view the pre-defined data and charts.
Concluded Experiments over Time
You can view a comparison of your concluded experiments in line and bar graph format. The number of concluded experiments is determined by the results outcome field in Optimizely Experimentation.
What is Optimizely Reporting for Experimentation?
Optimizely Reporting is a set of features that helps you measure the output and impact of your experimentation program. It provides you with dashboards and reports that show key metrics such as experiment velocity, conclusive rate, win rate, and uplift.
You can also drill down into the data and export it for further analysis. Optimizely Reporting for Experimentation is built within the Reporting section of Opti ID, which is a common platform across Optimizely products.
Who should use this?
Optimizely Reporting is designed for anyone in charge of running digital experiments, including experimentation program managers, experimentation strategists, executive leaders, and data analysts. These personas want to track and improve their experimentation program performance, communicate the value of experimentation to stakeholders, and make data-driven decisions to grow their business.
What are the benefits?
- Improve experimentation velocity – Measure, track, and improve on established experimentation KPIs such as the number of projects, experiments, and experiment phases.
- Decrease program or project planning overhead – Reduce time and effort spent on tracking and reporting on experiments using out-of-the-box and real-time reports.
- Improve experimentation governance and scope – Get a full view of experiments and attributes (like audiences, metrics, and status) across all projects and ensure alignment with your experimentation strategy.
- Decrease spend on program or project planning software – Replace the need for external reporting software to support your experimentation program with Optimizely's built-in feature.
- Improve experimentation efficacy – Identify and troubleshoot failed or abandoned experiments and optimize your experiment design and analysis.
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