- .NET – The .NET (ASP.NET) Framework is a software framework primarily developed for Microsoft Windows. It includes a large programming library and supports several programming languages. Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) is based on the Microsoft .NET framework.
- 1-to-many relationship – Associate one object with multiple object-related data. For example, you can associate one organization with multiple contracts.
- access rights – Controls what a visitor can view and what an editor can do to content on a application; access rights include Read, Create, Change, Delete, Publish, and Administer.
- account (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A user account you create with a contact to which you can assign roles and access privileges in Commerce Manager. An account is automatically created with "Everyone" and "Registered" permissions when a user registers from a public application that lets a customer login before checkout.
- ACL – Stands for "access control list"; Optimizely user permissions to access system processes and operations. For example, permissions determine who can read, change, or publish a page in a node on the tree structure.
- add-on – See app.
- admin view – Where administrators manage access rights, application languages, scheduled jobs, export and import of data between applications, and configure new applications in a multi-site solution. (See edit view for comparison.)
- All properties editing view – Where you access and edit properties for content. (See On-page editing view for comparison.)
- allowlisting – The reverse of blocklisting. The practice of listing trustworthy sender IP addresses to protect them from being rejected or sent to the junk mail folder.
- API – Stands for "application programming interface". The API specifies how some software components should interact with each other, such as accessing a database or computer hardware or easing the work of programming graphical user interface components. APIs often are in the form of a library that includes specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, and variables.
- app (also known as add-on) – Short for application, an app is a plug-in or module developed by Optimizely or its partners to extend the capabilities of Optimizely. Optimizely developers install add-ons.
- approval sequence – Defines the steps and reviewers needed to review and approve content or certain changes (such as changes to access rights, language settings, and so on). See Content approvals and Change approvals for information.
- asset – Content such as documents, videos, and images that can be linked to other content such as pages, blocks, elements, experiences, and catalog entries in Optimizely Commerce Connect.
- assets pane – Customizable placeholder for assets, where you can drag and drop images, blocks, files, or products into a CMS page and see non-visible settings for the content.
- autoresponders – A computer program that automatically answers email sent to it. Sample reply: "I am out of the office until April 30".
- Autosave – Saves the page every minute by default, ensuring your work will not disappear if a sudden crash of the system or browser occurs. Your organization might have other configured settings for autosave.
- BAU – Stands for "business as usual"
- BLOB – Stands for "Binary Large Object". A BLOB provider is a framework designed to store large amounts of binary data in a more optimized and cost-effective solution, such as cloud storage, instead of in a database. Used for the asset system in CMS.
- block – Shared, reusable content, such as an image banner, a page listing, or a video, that you can insert into one or more pages. If you edit a block's content, it updates every page on which it was inserted. (See Assets.)
- block type – A type of block, such as campaign teasers and banners, videos, news feeds, and contact forms. A block type contains a set of properties, a visual representation, and editing capabilities. It has no URL.
- blocklist – Recipients whose email addresses are on the blocklist will not receive your email. This applies even if recipients subscribe to newsletters again later. To reverse this status, remove the recipient from the blocklist.
- Blueprint – Visual Builder blueprints are reusable layout templates that editors can create directly in the UI. You can save sections and experiences as blueprints. See Save as blueprint.
- BOFU – Stands for: "Bottom-of-funnel". A marketing term; the stage where someone is ready to decide, perhaps to buy a product.
- Bounce – Generated whenever an email fails to reach a recipient's server or mailbox.
- bounce overflow – Recipients who exceed the bounce limit are recorded as bounce overflow and are no longer contacted.
- bounce rate – The percentage of visitors to an application who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. A user might leave a site because of poor application design or because he found the information being sought.
- breadcrumb – The path to the current page within the application structure. Breadcrumbs are clickable for backtracking.
- bundle – Commerce: a collection of packages, products, and variants (SKUs) that let customers purchase two or more items at once. Each item in a bundle is a separate line item in a shopping cart.
- Business Foundation Object – Similar to a meta-class, lets end users create custom objects with user interface presentation, business objects, and a database layer without modifying code. Also known as "BF Object".
- campaign (Optimizely Campaign) – A campaign in Smart Campaigns or a Marketing Automation. The complete campaign plan contains elements, nodes, and branches and their relationships to each other.
- campaign (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – a set of related components and activities used for promotions. A campaign organizes marketing activity associated with discounts (promotions), customer segments, and markets.
- campaign (Optimizely Email Product Recommendations) – Personalization: Describes the rules for sending emails that share a strategy and time frame while marketing a product or service.
- campaign (Optimizely Product Recommendations) – Personalization: Describes rules for displaying recommendations that share a strategy and time frame while marketing a product or service.
- campaign (Optimizely Promote) – Promote: Describes rules for displaying creatives.
- campaign (Optimizely Triggered Messages) – Personalization: Describes rules for sending automated personalized emails through an Email Service Provider (ESP) triggered by the email recipient's on-site actions.
- canonical URL – applications may contain identical or almost identical pages, and the canonical link points out which pages are the most important. This page is displayed in the search results, and the search engines can disregard the other pages.
- CAPTCHA – Stands for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart"; a challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether the user is human.
- cart (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A collection of products selected by an application customer with the intention of completing a purchase. Also known as a shopping cart or basket.
- catalog (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – a top-level container for catalog entries such as categories, products, and variants (SKUs).
- category (Optimizely Content Management System) (Optimizely Content Management System) – A built-in Optimizely property. You apply a category to content but must build the functionality to display the filtered results.
- category (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Categories let you adjust the structure and range of a catalog to optimize the selling potential of products. You can use categories to search for products. You can also assign products to categories by creating relations.
- checkout (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Completing a purchase on an application involves collecting shipping and billing addresses, shipping methods, payment, and so on.
- click profiles – Click profiling generates target groups. Click profiles work similarly to assigning keywords (tags). For example, email recipients who frequently click Blu-ray offers are segmented via a click profile and then supplied with targeted and highly relevant information.
- click-through – Following a hypertext link to a particular application, especially a commerce site.
- client – The working environment of Optimizely Campaign. A client is a stand-alone and closed system that organizes your mailings. Campaign users can use one or more clients for your scenario.
- closed loop interface – Bi-directional interface between Optimizely Campaign and an external system. The external system (that is, the customer's system) automatically triggers mailings in Optimizely Campaign. Action-based mailing data is logged in Optimizely Campaign and returned to the external system. The customer can further process this response data within a third system, for example, in a data warehouse.
- closed-loop marketing – Marketing that relies on data and insights from sales teams, who report back to Marketing what happened to their leads. This information helps Marketing to understand their lead sources.
- CMO – Stands for "campaign monitor and optimization"; measures and monitors campaigns and optimizes landing pages.
- Commerce Manager – One of several main user interfaces in Optimizely Commerce Connect. This UI area, available from the top menu after logging in, provides screens for managing markets, customers, catalogs, orders, and so on. In other, newer user interfaces, you can manage the information on some Commerce Manager screens. Where possible, we recommend using the newer ones.
- contact (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – An individual with personalized information (name, address, email, and so on) created when a user on the front-end registers to make a purchase. You can manually create a contact account from the back-end, assign the contact to organizations or organization units, and assign permissions based on role.
- content area – Where you can drag and drop pages and blocks and create a block. (A link collection has a similar area for creating links.)
- content item (Optimizely Content Recommendations) – A web page with an identifier associated.
- content type – CMS content types: folders, pages, blocks, elements, experiences, and assets (media files).
- conversion – When an application visitor takes a desired action. This desired action can be, for example, buying an item, filling in a form, or clicking a link.
- conversion goal – A conversion goal is the measurement of actions on web pages. The actions can be completed purchases, pages visited, time spent on site, and so on. Also known as Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
- Conversion KPI – A key performance indicator that measures how many visitors reached the target page.
- conversion page – A confirmation that a visitor completed the desired action on the target page, such as posting a form or completing a store checkout. (See also goal page.)
- conversion path – A conversion path shows how many visitors reach a campaign target page. It also shows how many exit, re-enter, and do not reach the target page.
- conversion rate – Number of conversions divided by the number of views of an item.
- cookies – Files used by your browser on an application or by a third party, and can range from very small to large text files. Cookies are not harmful to your computer and are mostly used to facilitate visitors’ access to functions, such as storing visitors' choices. Many companies use cookies to track application visitors, personalize content, track leads, and sell more products and services. To protect visitors’ privacy when visiting different applications, an EU directive states that application owners are responsible for informing all application visitors about which cookies are used and what they are used for. Whether first-party or third-party cookies are used on a application, each visitor is prompted to give their consent the first time they use the application if a cookie may be placed on the computer, mobile phone, or other terminal equipment.
- CPC – Stands for "click-to-purchase conversion" (Personalization)
- creative – Artwork for application advertisement, such as a banner, that is used to generate leads by promoting a discount, product, or service.
- CRM – Stands for "customer relationship management," a system for managing interactions with current and future customers, including support for sales, marketing, customer service, and technical services.
- CSR – Stands for "customer service representative"
- CSS – Stands for "Cascading Style Sheet"; a file type that defines the appearance and layout of the application, containing fonts, colors, and so on. CSS files separate the layout of application content from the content itself, making it easier to make layout changes on an application. (See also page template and page type.)
- CSV – Stands for "comma-separated values"; tabular data in a plain text file separated by a comma character.
- CTA – Stands for "call to action"; a component that delivers an actionable message such as "Register today!" and "Buy now!", designed to persuade an application visitor to do it immediately.
- CTP – stands for Click to Purchase.
- CTR – click-through rate; the ratio of users who click a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement. It is commonly used to measure the success of an online advertising campaign for a particular application and the effectiveness of email campaigns. – Wikipedia
- CUID – Stands for "customer user ID"
- customer – A site visitor who has purchased on your application.
- customer group – Customer groups are created in Commerce Manager and then applied to contacts and organizations. Customer groups are common to contacts and organizations, and you can apply them to customer segments that are targeted for marketing campaigns and customer group-specific pricing, including variants.
- customer journey – Describes the phases and touchpoints of a potential customer with a product until making a purchase decision.
- customer segment (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Determines the target audience for a promotion (such as "users from Los Angeles"). Within a campaign, promotions are only available to its customer segments. Customer segment members are defined in static groups. Or, you can use the Expressions Engine to create a dynamic group.
- DAM – Stands for "digital asset management"
- Dashboard – The CMS Dashboard is an overview page, where editors can add gadgets, or manage and monitor application activities.
- DDS – Stands for "Dynamic Data Store"; a component offering an API and infrastructure for the saving, loading, and searching of compile-time data types (.NET object instances) and runtime data types (property bags). The component is shipped as part of the Episerver Framework package.
- deliveries – Deliveries include retargeting, blocks on a web page, and personalized email that contains relevant content that is based on previous interactions and interests.
- developer – writes code to implement some features of the application, especially integrations with other systems and customizations of basic functionality. Developers can be employed by the client and their partners.
- direct traffic – A visit generated when a user arrived after typing the URL directly in the browser, or using a bookmark, or clicking a link in an email.
- discount (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A deduction applied to an online purchase, typically implemented as part of a marketing campaign. The discount might apply to items, shipping costs, total order amount and so on.
- Double opt-in – A practice in which a recipient consents to receiving email from the sender before any promotional email is sent. Recipients receive an email with a double opt-in link, which they must click to confirm their interest.
- Downloads KPI – A key performance indicator that measures the number of downloads of a document or file in an online campaign.
- DXH – The Customer-Centric Digital Experience Hub (DXH), part of Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP), provides a set of pre-built connectors to leading marketing automation and analytics platforms.
- edit view – A user interface section where you edit content items, such as pages and blocks. To access edit view, log in and select CMS > Edit. (See admin view for comparison.)
- editor (Optimizely Product Recommendations) – Can view, create, and edit a Product Recommendations campaign and send it to reviewers for approval. An editor cannot approve or make a campaign "go live."
- element – One component of a campaign. As examples, recipients and email are elements. Nodes are used to transfer elements through the sequence of actions that occur when a campaign is activated.
element – Visual Builder elements are the building blocks for creating content. Elements can be as simple as a Heading with a single text input field or more complex, like the Testimonial element with various optional and required fields. The Visual Builder beta sample site has built-in elements, but administrators can also define other elements. See Create a content type in Content Types.
Elements do not have a layout. As an editor, you cannot divide elements or modify their structure. You should define only unchanging structures as elements. -
experience – Visual Builder experiences are flexible and composable web or application pages that display in a list. They are comprised of sections that you can save as reusable blueprints. See Create an experience from scratch and Create an experience from another experience.
- Email Recommendations – A personalization feature incorporating personalized product or content recommendations into dynamically generated email.
- EO (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Exchange Order: tracks the exchange of a purchased item for the same or a different item
- ERP – Stands for "enterprise resource planning"; and refers to systems for managing business operations, including product planning, development, manufacturing, logistics sales, and marketing.
- ESP – Stands for "email service provider"
- exchange (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – replacing a faulty product with another one.
- exit rate – The percentage of visitors on the session's last page. Used in the Google Analytics for Optimizely apps.
- expiration date (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – used if an order is tied to a recurring payment plan for subscription-based transactions.
- expression (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Customizable conditions that let users extend the marketing system. Promotions, customer segments, and policies rely on expressions. For example, to set a promotion of 40% off Item X, use Catalog ID for Item X and Reward of 40%.
- external link – A link from one application to another application on a different domain, usually set to open in a different tab or window.
- fallback – the default action if no criteria are met; without a fallback, no action occurs.
- finalized form submission – A application visitor has gone through all steps of a form and submitted the form.
- flow – Content recommendations: Rules for sections based on titles, URLs, or metadata, to group content. See also sections.
- Forms KPI – A key performance indicator that measures when a visitor posts a web form.
- franking code – A code on mailing envelopes that is read by machines to calculate postage.
- gadget – A small application component responsible for its rendering and behavior, accessible from the dashboard or the panes in the CMS user interface. A gadget can contain functionality you can use within the gadget interface or link away to other products integrated with CMS (for example, a direct link to CMS or Pages where you can use the classic editing view features).
- GDPR – Stands for "General Data Protection Regulation"
- Generic KPI – A key performance indicator that collects data through a Web Service API from any external data source, such as Optimizely Commerce Connect and partner-developed applications.
- global menu – Group of options that displays in the uppermost part of the user interface when logged in. The global menu displays products and systems integrated with your application. It also displays links to the user guide and user settings and to a global search. See the User interface topic for further information.
- globalization – Managing content in multiple languages and localizing the user interface.
- goal (Optimizely Content Recommendations) – A set of behaviors you want someone to perform, such as filling out a form, requesting demos, downloading a resource, or viewing three pages on the Financial site. This helps to determine how interested a visitor is in the content. The idea is that people who view three pages on a financial site may be interested in, say, Retirement planning.
- goal page (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A confirmation when an application visitor completes a desired action on a target page, such as posting a form or completing a store checkout. (See also conversion page.)
- GUID – Stands for "globally unique identifier."
- hard bounces – Hard bounces occur when an email cannot be delivered due to a permanent error (for example, because the email address no longer exists).
- hash algorithm – An algorithm that encodes digital content using a unique combination of numbers and letters, making it uniquely identifiable. In email marketing, the generated hash values enable content to be uniquely identified without making personal data such as the email address visible.
- hint – Attributes span products, such as products that fit into the same category or recently viewed products, similar to expressions that work on specific product attributes.
- HTTP Referrers – Key Performance Indicator that measures traffic from a URL or domain.
- impressions – Marketing Automation: the number of visitors to a landing page in an A/B test.
- ingestion – The process of gathering topics for analysis. For example, if a new URL is added to your application where Optimizely Content Recommendations is implemented, that content is ingested into the system. If content changes after it is ingested, you can reprocess the content.
- interest profile – A data representation of an individual's interests based on site activity, derived from the near real-time modeling of topics contained within the URLs the individual visited.
- internal link – A web page link to another page on the application.
- inventory (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – The process of checking product availability in one or more warehouses; or a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building.
- IP – Stands for "Internet Protocol". The IP address is assigned to one or more devices that are connected to a network. The IP address serves as a unique identifier of the device.
- ISP – Stands for "internet service provider"
- JSON – JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. -- Source: www.JSON.org
- KPI – Stands for "key performance indicator" (also known as a conversion goal); the measurement of actions on web pages. The actions can be completed purchases, pages visited, time spent on site, and so on.
- KPI entity – An extension used with KPI values.
- KPI value – Desired actions are converted into KPI values, in market value or points.
- landing page – A landing page is the target page on which a visitor "lands" after clicking a banner or link. Usually, a landing page is a web page that is separate from the main page, with the goal that the visitor performs a certain action (conversion).
- lead – A lead is a new contact acquired through marketing activities. The prospect leaves his contact details to receive information about a product or service. Because the lead already shows interest in a product or service, leads are ideal for further marketing measures such as personalized mailing campaigns.
- lifecycle marketing – The concept that email content should be oriented toward the recipient's interests and personal circumstances. Communications with a customer pass through a series of phases (new customer, regular customer, and inactive customer). Each phase has changing expectations.
- line item (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – the products/SKUs/packages/bundles on one line of a purchase order.
- list price (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – also known as MSRP or regular price, list price is typically an item's price before a sale or discount reduces it.
- Low Stock Report (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A report that shows which products are running low in inventory when a product's inventory is less than its minimum reorder quantity.
- MAI – Stands for "Marketing Automation Integration"
- many-to-1 relationship – Associate multiple object-related data with a single object. For example, you associate multiple contacts with a single organization.
- many-to-many relationship – Associate multiple object-related data with multiple objects. For example, you can associate different SKUs (Store Keeping Unit) with one or more Warehouses for tracking and storage.
- market – One or more countries, regions, or customer groups, to which you want to apply languages, catalogs, currencies, or promotions. The market features support targeted merchandising and personalization.
- marketing channel – Channel through which advertising messages or information are transmitted to customers and prospects. For example, email, SMS, print, or push.
- master language – The language in which the first version of content is created.
- media – Files such as an image, a PDF, a Word document, a video, or an MP3 file. See Assets.
- metadata – Information about information; the meta-descriptions for content picked up by search engines, or metadata for media, such as images or documents.
- MIME – Stands for "Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions"; a standard way of classifying file types on the Internet. Internet programs such as Web servers and browsers have a list of MIME types so that they can transfer files of the same type in the same way, no matter what operating system.
- MOFU – Stands for "Middle-of-funnel": A marketing term that refers to the stage where someone is considering the content, perhaps a target audience or sales lead.
- native clients – Clients that use the Optimizely platform (such as the CMS with Content Recommendations or Commerce Connect with Product Recommendations or Email Product Recommendations).
- navigation panel – Contains the page tree structure, language branches, tasks, and project items of the application.
- NLP – Natural language processing. A subfield of linguistics, computer science, information engineering, and artificial intelligence is concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, particularly how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. – Source: Wikipedia
- node – Campaign: Item that determines when a recipient passes through the campaign and the actions that are executed for the recipient. With the help of "connections", you can link nodes to specify the process of your campaign. The arrow at the end of each connection always points to the next node and the associated action.
- occasional editor – An individual who occasionally changes web page content. Typically, an occasional editor lacks access rights to publish information, which a full-time editor or webmaster must carry out.
- ODR – Stands for "dynamic rendering"
- omnichannel marketing – Multiple channel marketing (on application, mobile, retail store, and so on) that provides an integrated experience for buyers.
- On-page editing view – Where you can edit selected properties for content in a WYSIWYG-like view. (See All properties editing view for comparison.)
- OpenID – Standard for using an existing account to sign in to multiple applications. You can use any OpenID provider, such as Google or Yahoo.
- operation – An operation is the unit of an API method and an API endpoint. For example: GET /{clientID}/smartcampaigns. (See API.)
- Optimizely Campaign – Optimizely Campaign is a professional email marketing software solution that creates, sends, and evaluates mailings.
- opt-in method – Used in Optimizely Campaign. An opt-in method requires recipients to give a sender explicit permission to send them advertising mail.
- order (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A record of a customer's request for goods or services.
- organization (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – groups or sub-groups of registered users and customers. You can structure an organization into a tree structure with sub-units. For example, set up your company as a parent-level organization and Sales and Marketing, IT or Development, and Operations as organization units.
- organization unit (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Same as organization.
- original page – Published web page version used in an A/B test.
- outline – A Visual Builder outline is a list view of your sections. You can drag and drop a section to any order or go to the content you want to edit by hovering over the section in the preview or the outline.
- package (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – a sellable unit that contains variants or other packages, with a single price; similar to an SKU because it must be purchased as a whole (such as a computer system).
- packing slip (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A paper slip with order information attached to the physical package during shipping.
- page template – Generates the output of the web page and controls how the content entered by editors is displayed to visitors. A page template is connected to one or more page types. (See page type.)
- page type – Used by editors when creating content, contains a set of fields (properties) such as page title and main body. A page type must be connected to a page template to display information. (See page template.)
- Page Views – Measures the number of page visits.
- parent order ID (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Relates a purchase order to a payment plan or other order. When you create a purchase order from a recurring payment plan, the parent order ID is automatically associated with the payment plan ID.
- partially submitted form data – An application visitor has gone through some of the form steps but has not reached the final step and has not submitted the form. The entered data is considered partially submitted form data.
- partner – An organization that specializes in building applications for clients.
- payload – The information within a data package transmitted during a data transmission.
- payment (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – verifying a money transaction in an application shopping situation. The ecommerce system most often needs verification for payment to create the actual purchase order and complete the shopping workflow.
- payment method – Contains information about how a customer views a payment option and has a payment gateway associated with it. Examples: credit card, pay by phone, cash on delivery, and exchange payment.
- payment plan (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Payments initiated by the system, used for managing orders. See also Subscription.
- PCI (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Payment Card Industry; an organization providing security standards for merchandising companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information.
- PDP – Stands for "product display page"; a commercial page that displays products for sale
- personalization – Adapt content to customized target groups for a more personalized application experience, such as displaying different content to first-time and returning visitors. (See visitor groups.)
- picklist (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – The list used in a warehouse to collect the physical items for shipping.
- PIM (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Product information management; a system for managing product information, which is distributed to multiple output sources such as applications, print catalogs, ERP systems, and information to trading partners.
- plan cycle (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Used for payment plans; determines the period of time that a payment plan is initiated. Options include: No Cycle, Daily Cycle, Weekly Cycle, Monthly Cycle, Yearly Cycle.
- PO (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – See Purchase Order
- policy (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – rules that are executed when a promotion applies. A marketing manager can declare a rule once for the whole site, such as "do not allow negative orders."
- Post-click tracking – Tracking method that measures and analyzes the click path that site users follow after clicking a link in an email.
- PPC – Pay-per-click, is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to applications, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines. Advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market with search engines. Source: Wikipedia
- product (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – various forms of merchandise that you can display and purchase from the public site, including products, variations/SKUs, bundles, and packages. Also known as a catalog entry.
- product feed – A file made of all products a client sells. Each product contains an image link, title, identifier, URL, price, currency, and optional attributes.
- Profile Store – Optimizely Profile Store tracks and stores data about a visitor to your application. The data in Profile Store can then be analyzed and used for personalization and omnichannel marketing actions.
- promotion (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A way to apply a discount to products, order totals, or shipping; a marketing tool used to increase sales of certain products or product lines. A promotion is associated with a campaign. In recent Commerce versions, this term is replaced by "discount."
- property – The field in a page type where you can enter information such as the title of the page, the author name, or a main body area where text and images are added.
- pseudonymization – Encryption of personal data using combinations of letters or numbers.
- Punycode – Punycode is a way to transform Unicode to ASCII used for Internet host names.
- purchase order (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – An order that was registered and paid for. Typically, it has an associated purchase order number.
- push campaigns – Campaign to send push messages that appear on the recipient's mobile device or web browser.
- push messages – Message that displays on the recipient's mobile device or web browser without any special request.
- quick edit view – The Quick edit view can be used when updating blocks. It lets you see all relevant block properties in one dialog box, and you do not have to leave the page context.
- RBL – Realtime Blocklist. A list with IP addresses of mail servers that are known to send spam. Email providers query this list in real time to check if a sender is on that list.
- recipient list – Optimizely Campaign: A recipient list contains information on recipients, such as name and email address, and can be used when creating campaigns, visitor groups, and so on.
- recurring payment (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Payments initiated by Commerce Manager on a regular cycle, used in a subscription-based scenario.
- refund (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A payment returned to a shopper due to a faulty product delivery or other reason.
- relation (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – lets merchandiser assign items related to current one, to entice shoppers with upsell or cross-sell items; Appears on product's related entries tab.
- return (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – manages exchanges and refunds for faulty or unwanted products.
- reviewer (Product Recommendations) – Can view, create, edit, review change requests, approve or reject changes, and make a Product Recommendations campaign "go live."
- RFM – Stands for "recency, frequency, monetary". A customer segmentation technique that uses past purchase behavior to divide customers into groups. Recency (R): Time since last purchase. Frequency (F): Total number of purchases. Monetary value (M): Total monetary value.
- rich-text editor – Utility for editing content of web pages.
- ROI – Stands for "Return On Investment"
- root – The parent of all folders in a file system. (Despite being called the root, it is generally found at the top of the structure.)
- RSS – Stands for "RDF Site Summary", also known as Really Simple Syndication, is a standard for distributing information from one application to another. Often used for distributing news feeds.
- Sales Report (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – An overview of a site's sales performance over a period of time.
- schema.org – Schema.org is a set of extensible schemas that enable webmasters to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines.
- SCP – Stands for "Secure Copy Protocol". Network protocol for secure data transfer.
- search index – When a search engine robot crawls the pages of an application, an indexing program analyzes the result. It stores a representation of the pages and recent changes in the search index.
- search phrase – One or more words a user enters into a search box to begin a search.
- section – Content recommendations: Groups of content based on flow rules. For example, a Europe section may include blog posts about London, Amsterdam, or Paris; while an Asia section may include posts about Shanghai, Hong Kong, or Tokyo.
section – Visual Builder sections are horizontal slices of a page comprised of elements. Sections use rows and columns in a grid layout to structure content. You can save sections as a reusable blueprint.
- segment – A term for dividing recipients into relevant groups to send them the appropriate content. Optimizely Campaign uses Target Groups and Click Profiles for segmentation.
- SEO – Stands for "search engine optimization;" making application content attractive to application visitors and, as a result, achieving high rankings in search results.
- SEO URL – Corresponds to a simple address in CMS. Depending on the site set up, it may be used instead of the hierarchical URL when links are rendered in outgoing responses. The site responds to the SEO URL for incoming requests, regardless of settings.
- SERP – Search Engine Results Page. The page with search hits you see in search engines, such as Google, when you have searched for a term. In SEO, you want to improve how your application looks in the SERP to encourage more people to click through to your application.
- Session (Optimizely Triggered Messages) – A session is a sequence of activity from the same application visitor in a limited time. A session expires if there is no activity for a certain period of time. If a visitor visits an application again after the preceding session expires, a new session is started.
- shipment (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – a collection of products from a purchase order, ready to be shipped after going through an inventory check and other verifications.
- shipping gateway (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Under Shipping Providers, you select a specific class (Generic Gateway or Weight/Jurisdiction Gateway).
- shipping jurisdiction groups (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Group of jurisdictions (such as Southwest region); a required field when configuring Shipping Method parameters.
- shipping jurisdictions (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Define values for region-specific shipping rates; only used when you select the Weight/Jurisdiction Gateway (such as California).
- shipping method (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A set of information and rules determining the shipping cost. Displayed on the front-end public site while a customer checks out an item from the shopping cart. The shipping fee is added to the total price of the purchase. A shipping method is mapped to a shipping provider visible to a back-end administrator in Commerce Manager. For example, when a customer picks "Ground Shipping," UPS (or another provider) may fulfill the shipment.
- shipping provider (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A shipping provider interacts directly with one or more shipping services, such as USPS, UPS, or FedEx. A shipping provider a class and retrieves price information from its shipping services.
- Shipping Report (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Overview of shipping method, number of orders, and total shipping cost over a period of time.
- SKU (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Stock keeping unit; corresponds to a purchasable product with specific characteristics. For example, a product line of shirts has individual variations/SKUs for sleeve size, color, and collar size.
- Smart Campaigns – Optimizely feature for sending out one-shot campaigns, such as an event invitation or special Christmas offers.
- soft bounces – Soft bounces occur when emails cannot be delivered due to temporary problems. This can happen, for example, if a recipient's mailbox is full. Mailboxes that reject mailings via soft bounce may be available again later.
- split mailings – Variation of a regular mailing where a subset of recipients is "split off". Also called split-run testing, A/B testing, or bucket testing.
- split payment (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Remittance that is divided by either time (such as a subscription) or by different receivers (if you check out a cart with products from more than one seller).
- split shipment (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A shipment that comes from multiple warehouses or cannot be fulfilled simultaneously.
- standalone clients – Clients that use non-Optimizely platforms (for example, Magento or Hybris) with Product Recommendations, Email Product Recommendations, or other Optimizely solutions.
- start menu – Main screen in the classic Optimizely Campaign user interface, where the options are grouped together.
- strategy – a criterion (such as best sellers for conversion, best trending, or abandoned basket products) used to determine when a mail is sent.
style – Visual Builder style settings let you modify the appearance of the content, based on pre-approved guidelines. You can apply style to any level of Visual Builder content such as elements, rows and columns, sections, or experiences. See Select styles.
- Subscription (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – A recurring order, can be associated with a payment plan.
- SWYN – Stands for "share with your network"
- target groups – Subset of recipients defined by rules and conditions and a logical relationship between them. For example, all recipients in the United Kingdom.
- target page – The page that defines the end goal of a conversion path.
- tax category (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Applies a different tax rate depending on what is being purchased. For example, one rate for general items and another for luxury items.
- thread – Execution string or execution order of processes, such as API requests.
- throttling – Controlling the number of emails sent to one ISP or remote server simultaneously.
- TOFU – Stands for "Top-of-funnel": A marketing term that refers to the beginning stage of awareness of the content and has the broadest general audience.
- top menu – The top menu displays in the uppermost part of the user interface when logged in. From the top menu you can switch between products and systems integrated with your application. It also displays links to the user guide and user settings, and to a global search. See the User interface topic for further information.
- topic (Optimizely Content Recommendations) – An indexed subject, such as finance, insurance, hamburgers, rocks, or a brand name.
- Tracking ID (Optimizely Google Analytics) – A unique number (UA-XXXXXXX-X) to each application you want to track separately, used by Google to count when someone visits and interacts your application.
- tracking number (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – Used to track the shipment of orders.
- transactional mails – An email triggered by a recipient action (such as an order or purchase) or event (such as an anniversary). It is sent out after the event.
- trigger mails – Campaign mailings related to an event or special occasion.
- Triggered Messages – A product that lets you send automated personalized emails via an Email Service Provider (ESP), initiated by the email recipient's on-site actions.
- unique visitors – Marketing Automation: the number of unique IP addresses that visited this page/URL during a specified period.
- URL – Stands for "Uniform Resource Locator". Also known as a web address such as http://world.optimizely.com.
- user – Logs into an application to manage and administer content and products. Types of users include administratator, editor, marketer, merchandiser. The client commonly employs users.
- UTC – Coordinated Universal Time (or UTC) is the world's primary time standard regulating clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time at 0° longitude, and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). -- Source: Wikipedia
- utm – "Urchin Traffic Monitor" is a snippet of simple code that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content.
- variant (Optimizely Commerce Connect) – a variant or SKU corresponds to a specific product with specific characteristics. For example, a product line of shirts has individual variations or SKUs, including size, color, and collar size.
- VAT – Stands for "value-added tax"; a consumption tax on a product added at the point of sale.
- visitor – Someone who visits an application using a web browser. In most cases, a visitor can use public functions and services but cannot create content and has limited access to community content. In an SEO context, visitor means the number of visits to a URL through channels (external referrers), direct arrivals, and internal links. (See also visitor groups.)
- visitor group – Site visitors with something in common, such as age, geographic location, and so on. Used in the personalization feature of Optimizely CMS. (See Personalizing Content.)
- volume – Content Recommendations: The number of content profiles, calculated as unique URLs, into the personalization instance.
- WCM – Stands for "web content management"; a system and procedures for managing online content.
- Webhook – HTTP callback for sending event data in real-time.
- Webhook URL – Data hub that gathers information from form data through API calls. Information at the data hub can process form data and route information to a specific support center, a customer representative, or another destination.
- widget – Configurable screen element that displays information.
- widget (Configured Commerce) – A pre-configured content holder ISC_Content user roles may use to add content to application pages without having to develop page elements.
- WYSIWYG – Stands for "what you see is what you get"
- XML – Stands for "extensible markup language"; an open international standard for structuring and transfering data between systems.
- Updated
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