Require account-level 2-step verification for all account collaborators

  • Updated
  • Optimizely Web Experimentation
  • Optimizely Personalization
  • Optimizely Performance Edge
  • Optimizely Feature Experimentation
  • Optimizely Full Stack (Legacy)
If your organization migrated to Opti ID, you must manage users in Opti ID. See the Opti ID user documentation.

If you are an administrator of an account, you should require that collaborators on the account use two-step verification. Two-step verification requires you log in with a username and password, and then enter a code that is sent to your mobile phone, providing another layer of protection even if your password is compromised.

You must enable individual two-step verification in your personal settings before requiring it individually for collaborators in the account. To enable individual two-step verification in only your personal settings, see Protect your account with individual two-step verification.

  1. Go to Account Settings > Security and Privacy and click Require 2-step Verification.
  2. Enter your Optimizely password to confirm and click Require 2-step Verification for All Users.