Commerce Connect-specific audience criteria

  • Updated

Optimizely Commerce Connect provides custom audience (formerly called visitor group) criteria so you can personalize content based on product and order information. Recommendations helps you to strategically sell exactly the right products to the right customers, instead of showing the same products to everyone.

You need administration access rights to create and edit an audience. Existing audiences are available for editors in edit view.

To see available audiences, select Audiences. Click Create Audience to define an audience. Then add personalization criteria as desired. See Audiences and Audience criteria.

Recommendations examples

You can use audiences to determine which content is appropriate to show. If you use a Customer relationship management (CRM) system with segments to guide your business practices, duplicate this segmentation in Optimizely Commerce Connect via audiences. Then, create a special home page for each customer segment.

As another example, create audiences that place customers in vertical segments, such as service stations, car repair shops, spare parts dealers, and so on. If product data is maintained in Optimizely, different customers should see different product descriptions. A retail customer (service station) could see primarily commercial data about a product, while an end-user (car repair shop) would see technical details about the same product. So, you can use audiences to optimize the user experience by meeting the unique needs of each customer.

Commerce Connect-specific criteria

These criteria are available by default in an Commerce Connect installation, in addition to the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS)-specific Audience criteria.

  • Customer properties – Personalize content based on age or geographic location:
    • Date of Birth – Format mm/dd/yyyy.
    • Customer group – Select Customer, Partner, or Distributor.
    • Registration source – Enter the source of registration.
    • Country – Select a country from the list.
    • Region code – Select a region code based on the address region in addresses.
    • Address postal code – Select a postal code from the list (based on state selected).
    • State – Select a state from the list.

    You can select only one property type with a related value for a criterion, but you can define several customer properties criteria for an audience.

  • Market – Personalize content based on the market to which a visitor website belongs.
    • Market – Select a market.
  • Recent Orders – Personalize content based how often a customer orders:
    • Order times – Select the number of times an order is placed.
    • Number of days – Select the number of days over which the number of orders must occur. For example, 4 times in the last 2 days.
  • Product in cart or wish list – Identify customers that have placed a product of a certain type or brand in their cart or wish list.
    • Specified product code – Enter the desired product code.
    • Product from a specified category – Select the desired product category.
    • Product has a specified property and value – Enter the desired product property and value, such as brand and Sony.

    You can select only one property type with a related value for a criterion, but you can define several add several criteria of the type Products in Cart or Wish List to an audience.

  • Total spent – Personalize content for visitors who spent a specified amount of money (in a specified currency) on the site in the last number of days.
    • Spent at least – Select amount and currency.
    • Number of days – Select the number of days.