Release: 5.1.2209.2289
The following is a complete list of the bug fixes and enhancements provided in the September 2022 Release. Some of the bug fixes listed below may address existing Support Articles. A comprehensive list is at the bottom of this page.
Note: The September 2022 release is now available for developers to pull down and work with locally or to request for deployments.
September 2022 release highlights
Important notes/Breaking changes
There are no medium or high risk breaking changes that occurred during this release.
Low risk breaking changes are:
- Removed Git and Database themes.
- Removed Constructor parameter on non-extensible class.
- Removed protected method from non-extensible class.
- Removed Setting Enable Tie Breaker.
- Added method to non-extensible interface.
- Removed methods and entities related to admin console based themes.
Partners/Developers: You can view a cumulative list of breaking changes, including Spire breaking changes, at the bottom of this page. (Note the two tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet: one for cumulative breaking changes, one for Spire breaking changes.)
Database changes/Updates
There are no database changes for this release.
Spire enhancements
- Implemented Square Payment Connector
- Changed the Slideshow widget's Slide field to contextual to allow more customization
- Improved console error messages for the React 18 upgrade
- Added the ability to log out users from all current sessions after a password change
Other enhancements
- Implemented Square Payment Connector in Classic
- Added Google Analytics 4 for Google tracking
- Added Circuit Breaker to Block Anonymous Traffic feature to prevent database connection depletion
- Fixed an issue in Commerce 4.6 where the Access Token was not invalidated after log out
- Updated vaulting for CenPOS to use Token API and replace AddRecurringSaleInformation call
- Added functionality to reuse Ebizcharge vaulted payment methods.
- Whitelisted HtmlAgilityPack.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where attributes would not display on the Compare page if a user compared the same products again
- Fixed an issue where filtering by ShipTo address on the Order Approval page would expose the ShipTo GUID
- Fixed an issue that occurred when trying to remove the Order Total filter from the Order Approval page in Spire
- Fixed an issue where pick-up information would show as shipping information on the Order Approval page in Spire
- Fixed an issue in Commerce 4.6 where the Access Token was not invalidated after log out
- Fixed an issue where the website logo would not render in the Admin_ResetPassword template
- Fixed an issue where example widgets would not appear in Spire
- Fixed an issue where the Order Total filter would not show the Amount on Order History and Order Approval pages in Spire
- Fixed an issue where a previous order may not show on the Store Front if the ShipTo uses the BillTo address
- Fixed an error that could occur when removing multiple products from a cart in Spire
- Fixed an issue where products may not get sorted appropriately with Hawksearch in Spire
- Fixed the Help link in the Admin Console
- Fixed an error with changing the username or email during account import
- Fixed a scrolling issue when editing the Contact Us page with widgets in Spire
- Fixed an issue where OOTB Prophet21 connector would only use the first credit card transaction on the customer order even after transaction failure
- Fixed an issue where custom fonts were not working in Spire
- Fixed an issue where BillTo order history could not be viewed when BillTo and ShipTo were the same address
Related support articles
Cumulative breaking changes spreadsheet
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