Format of the Ektron Connection String

  • Updated

Some users have different values on their connection string the the Ektron CMS. The format of this string does matter for certain areas of the product to function correctly. Please make sure your connection string matches below.

The connection string is located in the site root's web.config file and must be located in this file rather than a separate connection configuration file. Also we do NOT support encrypting your connection string at this time.

Search for the key by the following text:

The format of the key should look like below. If yours varies, some functionality like esync may not work properly.

server: The server (and instance name if multiple sql instances on one box) your site is connecting to. This can be a name or ip address.
database: The name of the database you are connecting to on the sql instance.
Integrated Security: This key can be set to true or false. If set to True, it will use the credentials specified in the application pool for the site to communicate with sql. If set to false, it will use the user and pwd fields in the connection string.
user: If the integrated security key is set to false, this key is used for the username of the user connecting to SQL.
pwd: If the integrated security key is set to false, this key is used for the password of the user connecting to SQL.