Changing URL Aliasing Cache Settings

  • Updated

Ektron normally recommends leaving on URL Aliasing Caching for performance reasons, but it is possible to reduce or turn it off if necessary in version 9 and up.

Reducing or Lengthening Cache Duration

  1. Open ~\app_code\cscode\httpmodules\urlaliasingmodule.cs
  2. Navigate to line 47(ctrl + g). You will see the cache set to five minutes by default. Adjust this to the desired value.

Turning off URL Aliasing Caching

  1. Open ~\app_code\cscode\httpmodules\urlaliasingmodule.cs
  2. Comment out lines 68, 79, and 89 (where the items are inserted into the cache). This makes it so if you change a template for a content item the aliases reflect that change immediately. Because the alias request has to be loaded from disk instead of memory, this will slow alias requests and is not recommended by to be used.