Blank Report Drop Down

  • Updated

When accessing a form report in the workarea, the drop down list is blank. As demonstrated in this screen shot. 



  1. In the hosts file on the server, set the site's URL to use the same IP as is used in the site's binding. If there is no IP in the binding, use


  2. In the web.config file, search for the following section:
    <!-- SSL Server configuration --> 
    <add key=" ek_UseSSL " value="false" /> 
    <add key=" ek_SSL_Port " value="443" />
  3. If ek_usessl is set to " true ", as a test set the value back to "false"
  4. Once it is confirmed to be working while set to "false", the value can be changed back to "true" if you wish to use SSL/https. You will need to properly setup a SSL certificate on the server. Information on how to properly setup a SSL certificate can be found here:  
    Stackoverflow post

With a properly setup SSL/https site, you will not see any certificate warnings when accessing the site. If you do, it means the certificate is not properly configured and the report drop downs will remain blank. 

If the behavior still persist then further reviewing the communications of the site is recommended. See the following KB articles for further information on basic communications review.

How to verify your wspath

IP Restrictions: Unable to access or use service or webservice files