Cannot export report from Ektron

  • Updated

Cannot export report from Ektron

You can successfully run a content report. But, you cannot export it from Ektron.

Make sure the IIS app_pool identity has full rights to the website root folder and the C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron folder. We recommend setting the IIS app_pool Identity to NetworkService (see sample screen below).

To set the IIS app_pool Identity to IIS: 

  1. Open IIS manager.
  2. Open Application Pools .
  3. Choose the app pool for your Ektron site > Advanced Settings .
  4. Verify that Identity is set to NetworkService .
  5. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your Ektron website root folder.
  6. Open the Properties tab.
  7. On the Security tab, make sure Network Service has FULL rights to website root folder.
  8. Do the same for the C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron folder.

app_pool identity