When you upgrade to Ektron 9.00 SP2, the database portion of the upgrade displayed the following error:
ERROR! Failed to execute script! Error[cms_SetupDefaultNotificationPreferencesForActivity}: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_notification_publish_preference_tbl'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.notification_publish_preference_tbl'. The duplicate key value is (10082,4).
An association between a user and an activity type already exists.
After the error occurs, run the following SQL script in SQL Management Studio while pointing to the target database:
DELETE FROM notification_publish_preference_tbl WHERE ActivityTypeId = 4 and UserId in
(SELECT userId FROM User_Default_Preference_tbl WHERE UseDefaultPublishSettings = 0)
ActivityTypeId is 4 so that any user associated with that ID is removed.
After running the script, re-run the upgrade script, which adds the associations back into the table. The upgrade script is located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\CMS400v9xx\Utilities\SiteSetup\Database\cms400_upgrade_data.sql
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