How to test out a form issue using a stock formblock control

  • Updated

This KB describes how to test the behavior of an Ektron form to determine if it is working properly.

The sample template strips away all custom JavaScript, master pages, CSS, and so on, to give a "clean" test of the functionality. This helps to determine if the issue is in the context of the form itself or if there is an issue with the template code around the form. If the template works, examine the possible conflicts posted in this article.

Below are 2 form controls. For newer versions 8.7+ use the Templated Form Control. Otherwise, use the Form Block Server Control

Templated Form Control:

  1. Download this file.
  2. Determine the form ID from the content ID(found in content properties).
  3. Unzip the file and add the template to the site root folder.
  4. Enter the URL (where X is the form ID from step 2) into a browser.

Form Block Server Control:

  1. Download this file.
  2. Determine the form ID from the content ID(found in content properties).
  3. Unzip and add the template to the site root folder.
  4. Enter the URL where x is the form ID from step 2 into a browser.

If the form is working properly, you should be able to submit without issues.

Possible causes of forms not working can include:

  • Javascript/jQuery or CSS conflicts
  • Invalid form field HTML
  • Improper use of the API to submit fields
  • PageBuilder conflicts (in older versions)