Ektron's EPiServer Find Provider indexing page as smart desktop widget

  • Updated

This is a code sample on how to implement Ektron's EPiServer Find default.aspx page as workarea widget for testing purposes. This sample was tested on a 9.1SP1 min site using the EPIServer Find NuGet packages default.aspx template allowing you to reindex the website

Code Sample



To use:

  1. Place the contents of the zip file into the Workarea widgets folder (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\YourSite\Workarea\Widgets).
  2. Add the widget to the widgets tray under Settings > Personalizations > Widget Space
  3. Place the widget on the Smart Desktop to view. 
  4. Note: Sizes can be adjusted on the user control for personal preference.

From here you can index your content and monitor the status of the indexes.