Subjects are not being saved in blog posts when published

  • Updated

Subjects are not being saved in blog posts when published. The following steps reproduce the issue.

  1. Create a new blog and Add a Name and Title.
  2. Click Subjects .
  3. Add Subjects "test2." 
  4. Click Add Blog .
  5. Create a new blog post.
  6. Click Summary .
  7. Check "test2." 
  8. Publish the blog post.
  9. Edit the content.
  10. Click Summary . Notice that no subjects are saved.

A new key was added to the web.config that changes the blog functionality.

ek_enableLegacyBlogFields -Determines whether the Summary tab displays the 9.00 fields for Tags, Traceback URL and Pingback URL when you create a blog post. In 9.10, the default is false.
    <add key="ek_enableLegacyBlogFields"  value="false" />

Edit the site'sweb.config.

1. Search for the ek_enableLegacyBlogFields key in the section.

2. Change:        <add key="ek_enableLegacyBlogFields" value="false"></add>
To:         <add key="ek_enableLegacyBlogFields" value="true"></add>

3. Save web.config .

4. Test by adding a blog subject.

For information about the  ek_enableLegacyBlogFields  key, see Ektron 9.10 Release Notes  What's New? > New web.config keys .