Setting Trace Enabled to True may cause Workarea issues

  • Updated

If you set the web.config file's settings as follows, the trace may get placed in the wrong Workarea frame.

trace enabled="true" requestlimit="100" pageOutput="true" traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true">

For example, the trace screen may appear behind the Workarea's folders/taxonomies/collections/menus frame (see illustration below). If the trace screen appears in that frame, it disables all controls and renders the frame useless.


The easiest solution is to turn off tracing within the Workarea. To do that: 

  1. Open the workarea\web.config file.
  2. Find the system.web section.
  3. After the line for customErrors, set the following values.

trace enabled="false" requestlimit="10" pageoutput="false" tracemode="SortByTime" localonly="true"

These settings override the site setting and turn off tracing for the Workarea.

If you need to see traced errors in the Workarea, change the trace enabled setting to "true", and set pageOutput to "false". Then, open a browser and point it at Trace.axd in the site to see the trace information without affecting the Workarea.