Visiting Automatic Aliasing Rules Gives 500 Error

  • Updated

When visiting the automatic aliasing section in the Settings tab and there is a 500 error, you may have an issue where the system is requesting an alias rule that no longer exists. This can happen if an aliasing rule was deleted, but was not deleted from all relevant tables.


500 error in automatic aliasing rules


Visiting Automatic Aliasing Rules Gives 500 Error.

1) Back up your database.

2) Run the following two queries in SQL Management Studio (be sure to select the correct database):

DELETE FROM UrlAliasCharReplace 
WHERE UrlAliasConfigId IN (
      SELECT UrlAliasConfigId  FROM UrlAliasConfig 
      WHERE SourceId NOT IN (SELECT taxonomy_id FROM taxonomy_tbl) 
      AND UrlAliasConfigTypeId = 1

DELETE FROM UrlAliasConfig 
WHERE SourceId NOT IN (SELECT taxonomy_id FROM taxonomy_tbl) 
AND UrlAliasConfigTypeId = 1