Invalid username or password error in event viewer

  • Updated

In the event viewer you may see numerous occurrences of the following error. 

Timestamp: 8/23/2017 6:22:34 PM

Message: Exception thrown from: /login.aspx?ReturnUrl=

Invalid username or password.   at Ektron.Cms.EkException.ThrowException(Exception ex, EventLogEntryType EventType)

   at Ektron.Cms.EkException.ThrowException(Exception ex)

   at Ektron.Cms.User.EkUser.logIn(String username, String Password, String ServerName, String Domain, String Protocol, Boolean autologin, AutoAddUserTypes AutoAddType, Boolean ForceLogin)



This error would be due to bad login requests. If there are hundreds or thousands of invalid logins and it is not due to a code issue it may be helpful to turn off logging on the production site.