Obsolete functionality

  • Updated
The content on this page only applies to lower versions of CMSCommerce, and Search & Navigation. Contact your system administrator for information about products and versions in your Optimizely implementation. From version 16-2, PDF files for print are available via Print tile on the start page of this user guide. You can find documentation for latest versions of Optimizely software in the Optimizely Support Center.

From time to time, information about features that are no longer available, are replaced by new functionality, or are removed. The table in this section shows user guide versions that contain functionality from previous versions of the software.

For example, if you have Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) Core version 11.20.7, you will want the 21-4 (2021, revision 4) version of the documentation to match your software:  Optimizely User Guide 21-4 – English and German


The following table shows when a feature was discontinued or changed.

Date archived Area Functionality User guide version
2021-08-02 CMS Changes to admin view interface 21-4 or earlier
2021-08-02 CMS Changes to visitor group user interface 21-4 or earlier
2021-08-02 CMS Dashboard (removed) 21-4 or earlier
2021-08-02 CMS Reports (removed) 21-4 or earlier
2019-11-08 Personalization Working with the Strategy block 19-9 or earlier
2018-09-10 Commerce Campaigns (legacy, replaced by new functionality) 18-5 or earlier
2018-09-10 Commerce Promotions (legacy, replaced by new functionality) 18-5 or earlier
2018-03-19 CMS Built-in web forms functionality (legacy, replaced by new functionality). 18-2 or earlier
2018-03-19 CMS Dynamic content (legacy, replaced by new functionality). 18-2 or earlier
2018-03-19 CMS Customizing the rich text-editor TinyMCE v1. 18-2 or earlier