Personalization in CMS lets you target website content to selected audiences (formerly called visitor groups). See Audiences. CMS comes with the following built-in audience criteria.
Site criteria
Selected Language – Checks which language the visitor is viewing a page in when using fallbacks. For example, check if the visitor views a page in English by selecting the In condition or not in the Svenska language by selecting the Is Not condition. Languages which are defined and enabled are available in the list.
Number of Visits – Matches the number of times the visitor has visited the website. You can specify Less than, Equal, or More than within a number of days (weeks, months, or years), or since a date, or in total. For example, Less than 1 [visit] within 10 days.
Visited Category – Select one of the website's page categories. You can also select a number of pages that use the category and were visited. The visitor must have visited the specified number of pages to which the category is applied. For example, Category Alloy Meet viewed at least 3 pages out of 4 pages.
Visited Page – Select a site page. If the visitor has visited that page during the current session, the criteria is considered met.
Technical criteria
Display Channel – Matches the visitor’s current display channel when visiting the website; that is, it distinguishes between web and mobile visitors. Add the Display Channel criterion from the Technical Criteria category, and select Mobile or Web channel.
IP Range – Matches an exact IP address or an IP range that is equal to or above, or equal to and below a defined IP number, used by the visitor when visiting the website.
Equal to – To match with an exact IP address, select the equal sign (=) and enter the exact IP address.
- Equal to or above (>=) – If you use the 'greater than or equal to' sign (>=), the visitor's IP address and the specified IP address are converted into integers and compared. Suppose the integer from the visitor's IP address is the same as or higher than the integer of the specified address. In that case, the audience criteria are considered met, and the visitor is part of the audience.
Equal to or below (<=) – If you use the 'less than or equal to' sign (<=), the visitor's IP address and the specified IP address are converted into integers and compared. Suppose the integer from the visitor's IP address is the same as or lower than the integer of the specified address. In that case, the audience criteria are considered met, and the visitor is part of the audience.
Equal to – To match with an exact IP address, select the equal sign (=) and enter the exact IP address.
OS & Browser – Select the operating system and browser.
Role – Matches the visitor's access role when visiting the website. You can include roles using the In Role condition and exclude roles using the Not in role condition.
Time and place criteria
Event – Matches a set date period.
For example, you can configure this audience criterion for sale events on the first day of every month by selecting the Every Month recurrence.
Recurrence can be:- Every Month – Occurs on a specific day in every month, with start from the set Start Time.
- Every Year – Occurs once a year on a specific day, with start from the set Start Time.
- Never – Not in the time period specified between Start Time and End Time.
- If Every Month or Every Year recurrence type is selected, End Time is disabled.
Time of Day – Matches the set time period. For example. Saturday and Sunday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Time On Site – Matches the total length of a user’s visit since the session started. If the total length of time is greater than or equal to the configured time, then the audience criterion is considered met.
- Time On Site – The value range is from 0 to 60.
- Duration Unit – The duration can be Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.
Time Period – Matches the time and date of the visit. The audience criterion is considered met if it is within the specified time period. From the Time and Place Criteria category, drag and drop the Time Period criterion.
URL criteria
Download File – Matches a specific file considered already viewed or loaded by browsers. The file path can be the file name only or a relative path to a file. The audience criterion is considered met if the path to a loaded image contains the configured path. For example, you can use this criterion to check if the image CompanyLogo.png is viewed by entering the path to the image.
Query string – Matches the request to see if it contains a query string key with the specified value. Conditions can be:
- Exist – Checks only if the key exists in the query string.
Has Value – Checks both the key and the value represented in URL’s query string.
When the Exist condition is selected, the Value text box is disabled.
Referrer – Matches the Host name or URL of the referred page that was clicked before entering the site, such as a search engine result page. You can decide if the referrer criteria matches on equal, contain, start with, or end with a specified value for the whole or parts of the Host name or URL.
Search Keyword – Stores the URL of the referred page that was clicked before entering the site, such as the URL of a search engine result page. Your partner developer can define this criteria to specify the search word to match against the URL by a regular expression. The regular expression finds search words in the URL.
This criterion is not compatible with Google due to privacy restrictions for Google searches.
Landing URL – Matches the URL with which the visitor enters the site. You can decide if the landing URL is equal, starts with, or ends with the with a specified value. For example, contains www.example to match, and so on.
Audience Membership criteria
Audience Membership – Select members from existing audiences. For example, Member of Alloy Track for free, or Not a Member of Start Customer Club.
Optimizely forms criteria
- Submitted Form – Matches when a visitor submits (or does not submit) a particular form that you select from a drop-down list. For example, Has Submitted Job Application. See Example: Form and form values.
- Submitted Form Value – Matches when a visitor submit a particular form value. See Example: Form and form values.
Optimizely Commerce Connect audience criteria
Audience criteria specific for e-commerce, such as customer properties, markets, and order frequency criteria. See Personalization for Optimizely Commerce Connect.
Optimizely Marketing Automation audience criteria
Audience criteria specifically designed for marketing automation.
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