Update asset data

You can update existing assets in bulk by exporting the asset data and importing the file after making changes. 

  1. Go to Assets, and select or filter for the assets you want to update.
  2. Click Export > Export Asset Data. See Export assets from PIM.
  3. Choose whether to export All assets, Filtered list, or Selected assets.
  4. Download the exported file and make the desired changes.
  5. Go to the Imports page.
  6. Drag and drop the file onto the Imports page. You can also click Import, locate your file, and click Open.
  7. Set the Import Type to Update Asset Data
  8. Click Import. If you receive any validation errors, resolve them before importing again. You can download the provided file to view error messages specific to each row.
  9. View your import progress on the Imports list page. A log of the import also displays on the page when it is complete.
The import ignores empty cell values and does not overwrite the corresponding fields.