Blocks are pieces of content that you can reuse and share among applications while being maintained in one place. You cannot access blocks directly through a unique URL; they must be included as part of other content, like a page.
Shared and inline blocks
Shared blocks are treated as unique instances with their own publishing lifecycle and are available under the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) assets panel. They can be reused by multiple content instances and applications and are well-suited for reusable components such as campaign teasers and banners, videos, and news feeds.
Inline blocks are stored as part of the instance where they were created, such as on a page; they do not need to be published individually. Because they are stored as part of other content, you cannot reuse them, and they do not show up in the CMS assets panel. Inline blocks are well-suited for structures that do not serve a purpose alone, such as an editorial block.
Manage blocks
Create and organize blocks in folders from the Blocks tab in the assets panel. You can then use blocks by dragging them into the content area of CMS pages.
Find the block location
Use the search field at the panel's top to enter search criteria and retrieve blocks. Clicking a search result expands the folder where the block is located. Click a folder to browse the folders and content beneath it.
If you have an already-inserted block in the rich-text editor and want to find out where it is stored, select the block in the editor to display a Go to block button. Click Edit to open the block or hover over it to see where it is stored.
Views when you create and edit blocks
You can create and edit blocks in different types of views.
- Using On-Page Editing or All Properties view, you can see properties belonging to the block, drag and drop images from the assets panel, and so on.
- Using Quick edit view, you can edit the block without leaving the current context, and relevant properties are found in the same view (which properties you see depend on your application configuration). If no approval sequence is set up for the block, you can publish your changes directly from the Quick edit view.
Block editing in On-Page Editing or All Properties view: | Block editing in Quick edit view: | |
Create a shared block from the assets panel
This option lets you choose where to save the block in the block folder structure.
- If you save it under For All Applications or For This Application, the block is available for other pages on the application.
- If you save it under For This Page, it is only available on the current page.
Creating a block from the assets panel will use the On-Page Editing or All Properties views.
- Select the folder where you want to create a block, and select More (...) > New Block in the context menu, or click one of the New Block buttons.
- Select the block type and enter a name for the block.
- Depending on the type of block, add content as appropriate.
- Publish the block immediately or schedule for publishing later. Unpublished blocks are not visible to visitors and display dimmed out in edit view when added to a content area.
Create an inline block directly from a content area
When using this option, the block is created inline and stored together with the Page, which means it is not available in the assets panel.
- Select Select Content > Create a new block in the content area from the On-Page Editing or the All Properties view.
- Select the block type and enter a name for the block.
- Depending on the type of block, add content as appropriate.
- Click Create. If an approval sequence is set on the page or you do not have publishing rights, the block is created as a draft; otherwise, it is immediately published.
Edit a shared block
You can edit blocks directly from the content area where they are being used or from the Blocks tab in the assets panel.
- Select the desired block to edit. Select Quick Edit from the context menu to open the block in Quick edit view or Edit to open it in On-Page Editing or All Properties view.
- Depending on the type of block, change the content as appropriate.
If you want to rename the block, use the All Properties view.
- Depending on which view you are using, the system configuration, and your access rights, you have the following options:
- In Quick edit view, save the block to return to the page, or set the block to Ready for Review, Ready to Publish, or publish your changes immediately.
- In On-page Editing or All Properties view, set the block to Ready for Review, Ready to Publish, or publish the block immediately. In these views, you can also schedule it for later publishing.
Edit an inline block
- Select the desired block to edit and select Edit from the context menu to open the block.
- Depending on the type of block, change the content as appropriate.
- Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to revert to the state the block was in before it was opened in the edit. You must publish the page before the changes to your block appear on your application.
Use blocks in content
You can add blocks only to content areas that support blocks. In edit view, select the desired block in the assets panel and drag it into a page's content area. A blue frame indicates where you can add blocks on the page.
You can add several blocks to the same area. Drag the block above or beneath an existing block and drop it when the separator displays. You can rearrange the blocks later. You also can add blocks to a content area in the All Properties view.
To remove a block from a content area, select Remove from the context menu.
Arrange blocks in a content area
You can change the order of blocks by rearranging them in the content area, through drag and drop, or by selecting Move up or Move down in the context menu.
Move, copy, and remove blocks in folders
Moving, copying, and removing a block works similarly to pages using the context menu. Because blocks and media files share the same folders, removing a folder from the tree structure affects the content within the folder. If you use any block or media within a folder on the application, you are notified about the usage before the content is moved to the trash.
Versions, content languages, and access rights for blocks
- Versions for blocks are managed in the same way as for other types of content. When you update the properties for a block, a version is created, which is listed in the Versions gadget. See Publish versions of content.
- Content languages for blocks are managed like for other types of content; see Translate content.
- Access rights can be defined for creating and viewing blocks. This is done directly for a block in the All Properties editing view or an entire block structure from the admin view. It is also possible to restrict the block types that can be added to a content area from code. See Set access rights from edit view and Access rights.
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