2024 Search & Navigation release notes

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Are you looking for release notes before January 2024? See the Optimizely Release Notes on the Optimizely World site.

You can find prior versions of user guides and when functionality was released or deprecated at the following locations:

December 31

EPiServer.Find.CMS 16.3.2

Bug fix

  • FIND-13125 – Fixed an issue in the track process that locked out the search process until timeout when you used Track() API and search request header with _t_dtq=true.
  • FIND-13515 – Fixed an issue that crashed the application when QuotaTrigger_QuotaExceeded was triggered.

November 21

EPiServer.Find.CMS 16.3.1

Bug fix

  • FIND-13125 – Fixed an issue in the track process that locked out the search process until timeout when you used Track() API and search request header with _t_dtq=true.

October 8

EPiServer.Find 13.5.10

Bug fix

  • FIND-10951 – Fixed an issue where newly loaded results were not bound to the proper click handler.

August 27

EPiServer.Find 16.3.0


  • Added the ability to backup and restore synonyms, connectors, related queries, and autocomplete from a CSV file (Import and Export lists) in the Optimizely Search & Navigation user interface.
  • Added the ability to delete a document from the index in the Explore user interface so it does not appear in the search results.
  • Added the asynchronous APIs versions to process requests without blocking
  • Added the ability to control the HttpClient request timeout, .SetTimeout(10) for example, specifically for all requests other than potentiality heavy write operations (such as bulk, index, mapping, delete_by_query).
  • Made StaticallyCacheFor(10min) the default for GetResult().

Bug fixes

  • FIND-10951 – Fixed an issue where newly loaded results were not bound to the proper click handler.
  • FIND-11790 – Increased the number of document type total for the Find UI index explorer, which could only handle 100 before.
  • FIND-12648 – Fixed an issue in CmsRunTimeCacheAdapter that did not apply cache's ChangeToken.
  • FIND-12435 – Fixed an issue where configuring the serializer via IClient.Conventions.CustomizeSerializer occasionally failed to apply the specified settings. This issue arose when conflicting configurations were encountered due to simultaneous customization in the EPiServer.Find.Framework.FrameworkInitializationModule. Consequently, the final serializer settings became unpredictable, depending on the execution order of these configurations.
  • FIND-12783 – Fixed an issue EPiServer.Find.UI.ScriptInjection custom error page was not loading for 500 errors.
  • FIND-12769 – Fixed an issue that occurred when you performed a search (without the EPiServer.Find.Cms.AttachmentFilter installed); the excerpt for a document was not returned if the search term was not found within the excerpt itself.

April 2

EPiServer.Find 16.2.0

Bug fixes

  • FIND-12436 – Fixed an issue where ContentEventIndexer loaded content with a default content cache expiration time of 12 hours. This caused content to remain in memory for longer than necessary.
  • FIND-12325 – Fixed an issue where the MultiUnifiedSearch did not filter documents by published language.
  • FIND-9583 – Fixed an issue where the CurrentlyPublished method in EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentSearchExtensions was using a time filter where the time string is rounded on minutes. It now uses AfterNow and BeforeNow. This method is used in every Content Delivery API search call which means that caching  should improve.

February 27

EPiServer.Find 16.1.0

Bug fixes

  • FIND-12313 – Fixed an issue where DefaultRequestHeaders were set when the request was made. This could lead to race conditions during startup.
  • FIND-12309 – Fixed an issue where the explorer view filter did not work. 

January 30

EPiServer.Find 16.0.2

Bug fixes

  • FIND-12149 – Fixed the following authorization issue: The UI (dojo script) sent a header "Authorization" (Bearer token) to Bestbets, Editorial, and ServiceHealth controllers, but those controllers only accepted Windows Authentication (which would send a WWW-Authenticate header).
  • FIND-12144 – Fixed an issue that may cause deadlock when the Optimizely Search & Navigation client API sent an HTTP request using the HttpClient library because the calling method waited for a response, and the result was resumed in the context thread. 
  • 12048 – Fixed an issue with SegmentUrlChanged that added a record to the queue with cascade==true (should be false).