Compare products

  • Updated

From the a product list or search results page, you can compare multiple products side by side.

There is a hard-coded default limit of six for the number of products customers can compare at one time.

Enable product comparisons

  1. Go to Administration > System > Settings in the Admin Console.
  2. Search for Product Comparisons.
  3. Set the Product Comparisons toggle to ON. If ON, the product comparison feature will be enabled on the product list. Default value: ON.
  4. Click Save.

Compare products

  1. Select a category or search for a product to view a product list page.
  2. Select the Compare check box next to the products you want to compare side by side. There is a hard-coded default limit of six for the number of products customers can compare at one time. mceclip1.png
  3. Review the selected products side by side. Click Remove next to a product to remove it from the comparison. If you compare more than four products, click the left or right arrows to view and compare the additional products in the carousel.mceclip0.png
  4. Click Remove All to cancel the product comparison and return to the product list view.
  5. Click Return to previous page to return to the product list view with the products still selected for comparison. Click Clear All to cancel the product comparison from here or select further products and click Compare to view them side by side.