The Insight Dashboard shows how topics perform by number of interactions (views on a page), uniques, and the number of interactions per unique visitor. This information can help you determine how users are interacting with content.
You can filter and save Interaction views for frequent use and share a view with a linked URL. Saved filters are shown in the All Interactions menu.
Date labels are in dd/mm format.
You can filter data. For example:
- Section: Blog
- Referrer: Facebook
- Goals: Signed up for Newsletter
- Result: Tells which topics and content drove users to the site from Facebook, read blog content, and then signed up for the newsletter.
The following Insight Dashboard views show which items perform best to least in the following categories.
- Views
- Topics in content
- Content
- Sections
- Sources
- Referrers – The URL from which a visitor comes to your content.
- Referring Campaigns – The UTM code (for Google Analytics only) where a visitor came from.
- Referring Mediums – The marketing channel from where a visitor comes.
- Referring Sources – Links to your content.
- Profiles
- Performance categories
- Interactions
- Percentage of Interactions
- Uniques
- Percentage of Uniques
- Interactions Per Uniques (IPU)
Topics in Content view
The Topics in Content view shows the number of interactions (from highest to lowest) each topic had with content containing it. Topic ranking helps you determine whether content is performing as expected.
Click the Download icon in the lower right corner to download the table data for up to 250 topics.
The drop-down menu lets you show Top Topics, any filter selections that you have saved, and any filter selections that others have shared with you.
Content View
The Content view shows the number of interactions (from highest to lowest) that each content item had.
Sections view
The Sections view shows the number of interactions (from highest to lowest) each section's content had.
Sources view
The Sources view shows the number of interactions (from highest to lowest) each source's content had.
Referrer views
The Referrer views are as follows.
- Referrers – Sites that link to your content. You can filter these to determine the content that engages visitors from each referrer.
- Referring Campaigns – Marketing campaigns in which you track clicks by adding value to your marketing links, such as Google's utm_campaign. You can filter these to determine the performance of content by campaign.
- Referring Mediums – Marketing channels, such as Social and PPC, where you add values to marketing links such as Google's utm_medium. You can filter these to determine the performance of content by channel.
- Referring Sources – Tracks clicks from places where your content is linked, such as Facebook or Newsletter. You add values to marketing links such as Google's utm_source. You can filter these to determine the performance of content by linked source.
The Profiles view shows individuals who interacted with your content, ordered from most to least interaction.
To examine a profile, click a profile ID. You can also go to Insight > Profiles, enter a profile ID (or any other identifier such as idio-visitor-cookie), and click Go. Then click the profile ID.
The Profiles view lets you examine details about a visitor profile. Data includes:
- Profile Created – Date.
- First Interaction – Date.
- Last Interaction – Date.
- Identifiers – Content Recommendations ID, email, marketing automation ID, and so on.
- Conversion – Shows which conversions were made based on the goals.
- Interest Profile of topics – Heat map of topic interests.
- Recommendations – Sent to the visitor (by widget or email).
- Interactions – Made by the visitor.
Date labels are in a dd/mm format.
Topic performance
The Topic Performance view shows a graph of Volume versus Uniques. The view plots topics on the graph that you can select for information about the topic. You can also select a category of topics highlighted on the graph for easy analysis. You can save selections for later use.
- Yellow dots show topics you identified as relevant in the current topic selection.
- Blue dots show topics in your content that are not as relevant to your topic selection.
- The Y-axis represents the total number of content pieces that contain a particular topic.
- The X-axis represents the number of unique visitors interacting with content containing a topic.
- The diagonal dotted line represents the ideal amount of content per the number of unique interactions.
- Topics above the dotted line are saturated (meaning you have plenty of content about the subject, but fewer people are interested in the topics). You should not focus on these for content production.
- Topics below the dotted line are at a deficit (meaning you do not have enough content about the subject because people want to know more about the topics). You should increase content production for these topics.
- You can filter and save Interactions views for frequent use and share a view with a linked URL. Saved filters are shown in the All Interactions menu.
Create a topic list
- Click a bubble on the graph, or select a topic from the list, and click Save Selection.
- Enter a title for the selection. Enable the checkbox to make the selection available to other members of your organization; deactivate it to make the selection for you only.
- You can divide the topic list by category and add relevant topics from each category to the list. Click View to display the Categories and view each category one at a time, reducing the number of topics displayed on the graph.
- In each category, select relevant topics, such as The top 20 topics, or a selection based on relevance to your brand.
- Click Save to save the topics to your list and select Save {your last saved title}.
- After you save the topics you want, select View > Categories > Show All, then select the Highlight Selected Topics (Star icon) to include or remove other topics from the dashboard. The graph displays your chosen topics from categories by "hottest first" topics.
Content Utilization
The Content Utilization view shows a graphical representation of topic performance.
- Green section – Shows the higher performing topics.
Blue section – Shows the lower performing topics.
You can drag the dotted line separator to see what percentage of topics make up various percentages of your interactions.
Red section – Shows the percentage of topics that have no interaction.
Click the eye icon to filter out the "no interaction" topics and focus on topics that are getting interaction. Also, consider why these topics have no interaction. Do they have value?
You can filter and save Interaction views for frequent use and share a view with a linked URL. Saved filters are shown in the All Interactions menu.
The Goals view shows conversions. Goals are set up during the Content Recommendations implementation.
A goal is a set of behaviors you want someone to perform, such as filling out a form, requesting demos, downloading a resource, or viewing three pages on the Financial site. Use goals to understand visitor interests based on how many visitors meet the goal's rules. If many people view pages that contain related topics, they may be interested in a larger topic, such as Retirement planning.
Developers create goals using JavaScript. See Create goals and track conversions.
You can filter and save a Goals view for frequent use and share a view with a linked URL. Saved filters are shown in the All Goals menu.
The New Conversions view shows the number of Conversions and Users Converted. The graph shows when conversions occur.
The Profile tab shows an aggregate view of topics and their relevance to the interest profiles of those who converted to the goal.
Date labels are in dd/mm format.
Create goals and track conversions
You can track conversions against a goal by tracking a conversion event.
The goal name must be less than 255 characters in length. If the goal does not already exist, it is created.
For example, you could record a conversion against the Subscribed to Newsletter goal:
_iaq.push(['goal', 'Subscribed to Newsletter']);
_iaq.push(['track', 'convert']);
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