Android-SDK - 1.5.0-RC
- Release Candidate 1.5.0
*New Features*
- Numeric metrics
- Client-side programmatic forced variations.
*Bug Fixes*
- Remove Espresso dependency
- Narrow proguard rules
- Last modified fixed so that multiple project files can be used.
- Call start listener if there is an exception.
- Example of overriding Gson and android-logger in test-app gradle file.
- Fix crash on API 17 (missing annotation).
- Support for Android O (please see developer docs for details). Basically, Android O and above will use JobScheduler and pre Android O will continue to use AlarmService. This is done through a class called the JobWorkService which allows you to keep your Service and IntentService intact. Developers can piggyback on this method and keep thier IntentServices and use the JobWorkService.
*Breaking Changes*
- Same as 1.4.0 see below.
- Need to add permissions to both receivers in your manifest if you plan on using the EventRescheduler or the DatafileRescheduler (see test_app manifest for example)
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