Android-SDK - 1.4.0

### 1.4.0
August 11, 2017

- Release 1.4.0

*Bug Fixes*

- Add consumerProguardFiles.
- Better javadocs.
- Cleanup any resource leaks.
- Better exception handling to avoid any crashes.
- Fix proguard rules.
- Fix logger issue.
- Allow EventRescheduler to work with wifi change intent filter (you don't have to include that intent filter).
- Remove unused imports.

*Breaking Changes*

- Must include intent filter for EventRescheduler and DatafileRescheduler in the application manifest if the developer wants to use them (see the test-app manifest for an example).
- Pass context into OptimizelyManager.Builder.
- UserProfileService added.
- Background processes are not running by default.
- Various handlers (EventHandler, DatafileHandler, ErrorHandler) can be overridden.
- OptimizelyManager.Builder.withDatafileDownloadInterval now takes a long that is in seconds (seconds till next download)
- OptimizelyManager.Builder.withEventDispatchInterval now takes a long that is in seconds (check if there are any unsent events).