How to Change the Search Account Password in SharePoint Search Server 2010 Express

  • Updated

SharePoint provides multiple approaches for a given task. Here is one approach to ensure Search Server incorporates an updated search account password.

Update the Managed Account

  1. Launch SharePoint Central Administration 2010. If prompted to authenticate, and the account is the same one, use the new AD password.
  2. Click Security then Configure Managed Accounts. Click Edit.
  3. Go to the Credential Management section, check the Change Password Now check box and select the Use existing password radio button then enter the new password.
    Note that the Account Information section contains a list of the Farm components using the account.
  4. Click OK.

Update the Default content access account.

  1. Return to the Central Administration screen.
  2. Click Application Management
  3. Under Service Applications, click Manage service applications
  4. Click the Search Service Application (the application, not the proxy)
  5. On the line for the Default content access account, click the account name.
  6. Enter the new password in the Password and Confirm Password blocks then click OK.

Update the Ektron Search Components

  1. Open Services
  2. Right-click on the Ektron Search Server Service and select Properties.
  3. Click the Stop button.
  4. Select the Log On tab.
  5. Enter the new password then click Apply.
  6. Go to the General tab and click Start. After the service starts, click OK.

If the same account is used as the Identity for the EktronSearchSite, perform the steps below.

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Select Application Pools.
  3. Right-click on the EktronSearchSite Application Pool and select Advanced Settings.
  4. Select the Identity then click the ellipses button.
  5. Click the Set... button and re-enter the account information using the new password.