How do I test basic connectivity on port 7600 between servers when setting up Solr?

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How do I test basic connectivity on port 7600 between servers when setting up Solr?

Included with the Ektron Solr install is a handy tool to test basic connectivity on port 7600.

To utilize:

1.) On the Search/Solr server; Open IIS
2.) Expand the sites
3.) Click on “EktroSolrSearch1.0”
4.) Click on “Content View” in lower central area
5.) Right click on “ping.html”
6.) If all goes well you should get a message similar to this:

Solr Search Status Check

Status OK!

a. If you do not see the above message you will need to further troubleshoot the site in IIS and ensure that Static Content is enabled.

b. If you do see the above message then cut and paste the URL (it should look something like this: http://localhost:7600/ping.html) and navigate to your CMS server and open a browser and paste in the URS, you will need to change “localhost” for the Search/Solr server name. Again you should get the above message – If you don’t then look at ports, firewall status, host files, and IIS all as potential points of failure.