If you are running search 8.0.2 or lower and you notice that new content you create is not searchable one of the first places you should look at is your Perform_Action table.
Using Microsoft SQL Management Studio run the following query against the database associated the with CMS site that you are having search trouble with:
select * from perform_action
The Perform Action table is like a “to-do” list that the Ektron Windows Service checks against to see what actions need to be performed including identifying content that needs to be indexed. If it backed up with actions that were not able to be processed out then your new content will not be able to be indexed.
If you create a piece of sample content and ensure that it is searchable and then you publish it from the Workarea you should see that content hit the Perform Action Table and then leave the table once it is processed.
If your Perform Action table is indeed backed up you can clear it out with the following command:
truncate table perform_action
Once you do this you will also need to re-register the CMS site using SearchConfigUI.exe (*** however this part is best done during off peak or maintenance windows as this could impact site performance as the site is re-indexed***).
Once the site is re-indexed then re-evaluate search functionality and ensure that you are seeing items flow into and subsequently out of the Perform_Action table.
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