You can install SAML Tracer or similar tools to analyze service provider-initiated flow, including detailed instructions for accessing, observing, and exporting SAML requests and responses in various browsers.
Install SAML tracer
- To install SAML Tracer for the Firefox browser, go to SAML Tracer for Firefox and follow the provided instructions. For the Google Chrome extension, follow this link: SAML Tracer for Google Chrome
- After successful installation, access SAML Tracer through the browser menu bar by selecting Tools > SAML Tracer.
Create SAML request for a service provider-initiated flow
To create a SAML request for a service provider-initiated flow and inspect the request and response in SAML tracer:
- Open the SAML Tracer and access Opti ID. In the event that the user is not already logged in, they are directed to the Okta login page.
- Examine the SAML Tracer window to observe the SAML request sent from the application to Okta.
- SAML responses are signed and contain the profile attributes of the person who requested access to the app.
Export SAML TRACER output
To export the SAML-tracer output, click Export in SAML-tracer and select whether the exported file will have different cookie-filter profiles. SAML-tracer exports the file as a .JSON file to your Downloads library. Send this .JSON file to Opti ID support.
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