Campaigns are an integral part of planning work in Collaboration. You can nest your hypotheses, events, or other sub-campaigns in a campaign.
Create a campaign
You can create a campaign in a couple of different ways:
- Click + in the global header and select Campaign.
- On the Plan > List view, click Add new and select Campaign.
Enter the Campaign Title and select the Campaign Color to identify your new campaign. Optionally, select a Campaign Template, enter a description, select a campaign parent, start and end date (if the campaign is not open-ended), budget, and add any attachments or fields. Click Create Campaign.
Select Add a Parent Campaign to establish a hierarchy of related marketing activities (that is, sub-campaigns) that are subordinate to the broader initiative. Typically, parent campaigns are used to organize and coordinate similar campaigns across teams, markets, and lines of business across the organization.
Campaign templates capture the repeatable processes, information, and settings associated with a campaign in your organization (see Campaign Templates).
You can also attach files associated with the campaign in the attachments section.
Update a campaign
Users can share campaigns and update campaign details from the Plan module's list view or from the calendar or timeline views.
Click a campaign title to view campaign details. Select Edit from the options menu (...) to change the campaign's name, short description, parent campaign, dates, color, or labels.
Copy a campaign
In List view, select the options menu (...) and click Copy to copy a campaign.
You can also copy the campaign from the upper right corner of a campaign. Select the options menu (...) and select Copy.
The Copy Campaign dialog box displays options to copy (such as briefs, fields, attachments, hypotheses, and events) from an existing campaign.
To copy the assets of a campaign, select the checkbox beside the ones you want to be in the copied campaign.
Archive a campaign
In the List view in the Plan module, select the options menu (...) and select Archive. Archiving a campaign prevents the campaign from showing up in the Campaign module and under filters. However, the articles are still available in the Analytics section.
You can also archive a campaign directly from the campaign page.
Delete a campaign
Deleting a campaign also deletes all hypotheses and events under it.
You can delete a campaign from the campaign view or the campaign page. Select the options menu (...) and click Delete.
Create a campaign brief
The Brief view lets you collaboratively define the campaign strategy in each campaign. By increasing awareness and visibility of each campaign objective, teams can stay better aligned on the strategic goals, monitor the downstream impact if and when a change in direction occurs, and provide the context needed to accelerate the time from campaign planning to execution.
In the Brief view, you can create a brief in several ways, as shown in the following image:
Template – Click Brief Template to select from saved Campaign Brief templates.
A template displays.
Upload file – Select Upload. You can connect to your Microsoft 365 OneDrive Account to upload a brief from there. You can upload the following formats:
- Word
- PowerPoint
- Excel
- Video (MOV, MP4)
- Image Files (JPEG, GIF, SVG and BMP)
Unsupported files display a "no preview" icon but remain available to download.
Add URL – Enter the URL to a file on Google, from Figma, Milanote, or a non-gated website.
- Write Brief – Click to begin writing your brief. The editor automatically saves the content you enter, letting you go to other tabs. When you return, you will see the draft is still there. However, other users cannot see your draft until you click Save.
Add fields to a campaign
You can add fields from the campaign creation form. Click Add field and select the fields you want.
The fields are added to the campaign.
You can work with fields and add more in the Fields view on the campaign page.
Share a campaign
To share your campaign with other users, click Share.
See Manage users and teams in Collaboration to learn more about sharing campaigns.
Comment in a campaign
Commenting helps you collaborate on campaign-specific content in Collaboration. Commenting tools are on the right panel:
Click View Comments to display the Campaign Details, Comments, and Attachments panel, where you can enter and resolve comments directly. Click Show Resolved to display the comments that were marked as Resolved.
Post a comment
To submit a comment, click on the comment field that says, Use @ to mention your teammates or post an update... and write your comment. Click Comment. Posted comments display below the comment box
While posting a comment, you can notify other users by using an @-mention in the comment field. Users are notified in Collaboration or through email.
Attach a file in a comment
To attach a file, click the attachment icon and choose a file.
You may also download these attachments by clicking on the icon or title and opening up the Preview Panel for that attachment.
Delete Comments
To delete a comment, select the options menu (...) and select Delete.
Interpret campaign health status
The campaign health status bar provides a view of the status and health of each campaign and a summary of the progress of work within that campaign.
The health status bar is located in the upper right corner of each campaign and contains a progress bar and a status button that update automatically based on the status of campaign hypotheses. The progress bar shows how much work is completed (green), how much is overdue (red), and how much is remaining (gray). The status button automatically updates to Not Started, On Track, At Risk, Off Track, and Complete based on the percentage of steps that are complete and overdue.
How progress is calculated
- % Complete – Number of steps completed in hypotheses associated with the campaign, divided by the total number of steps.
% Overdue – Number of steps with due dates before today that are not completed, divided by the total number of steps.
If a hypothesis is overdue, all incomplete steps are counted as overdue
- % Remaining – Number of steps that either do not have a due date or the due date is today or later, divided by the total number of steps.
All of the above percentages only account for full steps, not sub-steps.
How the status is calculated
Hovering over the status bar shows the percentage of the steps completed. The green shows what percentage of total steps were completed, the red shows what percentage of the steps are overdue, and the grey shows what percentage of the hypothesis is yet to be completed.
Not Started – 0% of hypotheses complete. The progress bar shows 0% of steps remaining if there are no hypotheses in the campaign.
On Track – Less than 3% of steps are overdue.
At-Risk – More than 3% but less than 10% of steps are overdue.
Off Track – More than 10% of steps are overdue, or the campaign end date passed with more than 10% of steps remaining.
Complete – 100% of steps are completed, or the campaign end date passed with <10% steps remaining.
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