Production Database Sync

  • Updated

Mission Control is currently in beta, which is open to all partners of Optimizely Configured Commerce and invite-only for some customers. If you do not have access to Mission Control, Optimizely Support can run these actions on your behalf. Contact them with the needed configuration details and field values (if applicable).

For information on the Mission Control beta or to request access, contact your Customer Success Manager.

You can sync data from a Configured Commerce production instance to a target sandbox instance within the same customer in Mission Control. This is not a whole-instance copy; the data transferred is selected to avoid syncing instance-specific data (like configuration or connection details). Data transferred from the production instance replaces the same data on the sandbox instance.

This is a destructive process for the target sandbox instance, and large amounts of data may be deleted on the sandbox as part of the sync. Ensure that the target sandbox does not contain important data before initiating a sync.

If the website keys on the target sandbox instance and the production instance do not match, the sandbox may have startup errors and unusable websites after the sync. To avoid these problems, ensure each target sandbox instance has a matching website key for every website in the production instance. If the production instance has any sites that do not match website keys on the sandbox instance, the site(s) will be unusable on the sandbox after the sync. Contact Optimizely Support to enable these sites.

Do not run this action at the same time as any deployment or database backup actions.


  1. Log into Mission Control.
  2. Go to Customers and select a customer.
  3. Select a target Configured Commerce instance.

    This is a one-way process from production to sandbox. The action is available when viewing a sandbox instance. You can select any production instance within the same customer as a source.

  4. Click Actions on the instance page and select Production Database Sync.
  5. (Optional) Schedule the action by toggling Scheduled Execution to On and selecting a time and date.
  6. Select the source instance from the Source Environment drop-down list. This is the instance that UserFiles are transferred from to the target instance. It is restricted to production instances within the same customer.
  7. Review the details to confirm the selected instance (and scheduled time, if selected). You can ignore any greyed-out or immutable fields because they are for development or debugging.
  8. Click Continue. If scheduled, the action runs at the specified time. Otherwise, the action runs immediately.
  9. Wait until the status is marked as Complete on the Action Request page.

    If the action fails, submit a ticket with Optimizely Support with a link to the failed action request page.

    Due to the resource-heavy nature of this action, Mission Control is limited in the number of database sync processes it runs at any given time (it operates on an FCFS-type queue). The variable nature of the data being copied can also significantly impact the completion time for the sync. Due to these factors, the database sync could take a significant amount of time, such as multiple days, or sometimes as little as a few hours.

Data synced from production

Optimizely cannot support special requests to include or exclude specific tables for this action. If you have recommendations for improving the synced data, use the Optimizely Feedback portal to send feedback, and the team will review it for future consideration.

The following data is synced from the production instance into the target sandbox:

  • Product data – Product settings (like ERP Managed, Track Inventory, and Quote Required), attribute values, category assignments, product content (metadata and content), product specifications, child variants, pricing, cost, product number, URL segment, warehouse inventory (stock), and shipping information.
  • Category data – Category information (name and description), category hierarchy, products assigned, category content (metadata and content), and attribute values.
  • CMS Content – Page customizations (no code; only CMS out-of-the-box widgets) and variant page customizations and rules.
  • Attribute types and values
  • Variant types
  • Customers
  • Website users

Data persisted on sandbox

The following areas are not synced from the production instance and are left unchanged on the target sandbox:

  • System Settings
  • Database Users
  • Single Sign-On settings (Admin Console → Administration → Single Sign-On)
  • JobDefinition
    • Exception: All EmailTemplateIds are nulled out on the JobDefinition table in the target instance as it is impossible to maintain a cross-reference of data.
  • JobDefinitionParameter
  • JobDefintionStepParameter
  • JobDefinitionStepFieldMap
  • JobDefinitionStep
  • IntegrationConnection
  • Admin & AspNetUsers
    • Exceptions:
      • If a production admin user has changed data being synced down from production (like CustomerOrders, Content, ContentItems, and ContentItemFields), that admin user is synced to the target sandbox.
      • To maintain production admin user roles with the above, admin user roles are synced down from production to the target sandbox.
      • To avoid duplication of roles across sandbox or production, all roles in the target sandbox are appended with -1 when synced. Production roles maintain existing names.
      • If there is a match between production and the target sandbox for an admin user, it uses the production admin user and roles. If there is an admin user on the target sandbox that is not in production, the user is given the sandbox roles appended with -1.
  • ApplicationLog
  • Elmah_Error
  • CacheKeySuffix
  • CacheState
  • IntegrationJobLog
  • IntegrationJobParameter
  • SharedCache
  • IntegrationJob