Setting up Optilyz for print messages

  • Updated


Optilyz is a third party solution for sending print messages. In Optilyz, you define automations, which are processes for sending print messages. These automations can be triggered from a Marketing Automation campaign via an app connection node. For more information about Optilyz, see

JSON structure for transmitting recipient information

The Optilyz RESTful API accepts recipient information in JSON format. For details about the API, please refer to the Optilyz API documentation. The JSON text can be defined in the message body of an app connection. It can contain placeholders for dynamic values from a recipient list, which are enclosed in curly brackets (see App Connections).

Examples for recipient information with dynamic values as JSON:

"address": {
"firstName": "{firstname}",
"lastName": "{lastname}",
"street": "{street}",
"houseNumber": "{streetnumber}",
"zipCode": "{zip}",
"city": "{city}",
"country": "{country}",
"individualisation1": "{custom1}",
"individualisation2": "{custom2}",
"individualisation3": "{custom3}"
"variation": 1
"address": {
"fullName": "{name}",
"address1": "{streetwithstreetnumber}";
"zipCode": "{zip}",
"city": "{city}",
"country": "{country}"
"variation": 1
"address": {
"companyName1": "{companyname}",
"companyName2": "{department}",
"address1": "{streetwithstreetnumber}";
"zipCode": "{zip}",
"city": "{city}",
"country": "{country}"
"variation": 1

Finding your Optilyz API key

Context: For triggering any Optilyz automation via an app connection, your account's API key is required.

Prerequisites: You have an Optilyz account.

  1. Go to and log in to your account.
  2. Go to menu item Automations.
  3. Find your API key on top of your list.

Finding an Optilyz Automation ID

Context: For triggering an Optilyz automation via an app connection, the automation's Automation ID is required.

Prerequisites: You have an Optilyz account and have created an automation.

  1. Go to and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the automation you want to trigger from your Marketing Automation campaign.
  3. Find the Automation ID on top of the page.

Creating an app connection for Optilyz

Prerequisites: You know the API key for your Optilyz account and the Automation ID of the automation you want to use. You have prepared the JSON code for transmitting recipient information to Optilyz (see above).

  1. In Optimizely Campaign, go to Administration > App Connections.
  2. Below the list of app connections, click on Create...
  3.  Enter a meaningful name (e.g. "Trigger Optilyz Automation ABC").
  4. Configure the API Connection as follows:
    HTTP Method: POST
    URL:[Automation ID from Optilyz]/recipient
    Authentication method: Basic Auth
    Content Type: application/json
    Message Body: JSON code for transmitting recipient information. Notice: Make sure all mandatory fields for the automation are mapped in the JSON!
    User name: Your Optilyz API key in base64 format
    Password: Not required, leave this field blank
  5. Click Save.
    → The new app connection is now available when you add an App Connection node in the campaign editor of Marketing Automation.

Using an Optilyz automation in an MA campaign

Prerequisites: You have prepared an app connection for triggering an Optilyz automation.

  1. Create a Marketing Automation campaign (for details, see Marketing Automation).
  2. Add a Connect App node.
  3. In the Connect App node, select your app connection for Optilyz.
  4. Finish the MA campaign and make sure that the recipient data contains the fields required for sending print messages.
  5. Save the MA campaign.
    → The new MA Campaign will trigger print message sending through Optilyz.