- Optimizely Web Experimentation
- Optimizely Performance Edge
- Optimizely Personalization
- Optimizely Feature Experimentation
- Optimizely Full Stack (Legacy)
Requirements for building campaigns and experiments
Only the current version of the Desktop Chrome browser is supported for building experiments and campaigns within the Optimizely application itself. Chrome's developer tools are user-friendly and work smoothly with Optimizely.
If you run into unexpected behavior when using Optimizely in a different browser, try Chrome.
Supported browsers
Site visitors see your campaigns and experiments if they are using any of these widely used browsers:
For desktop
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera
For mobile
- Google Chrome
- Apple Mobile Safari
- Opera
- UC Browser
- Samsung Browser
- Facebook in-app browser
For Optimizely Performance Edge
If a visitor visits a page from a browser that is not listed above, Optimizely Performance Edge may choose to not run experiments. In that event, both the Edge Decider and microsnippet will detect that the visitor’s browser is unsupported and abort before doing any significant work. This ensures that Optimizely Performance Edge has a negligible performance impact for such visitors.
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