You can use the following measures for Deep Analytics reports:
Number of mailings (absolute) | Total number of outgoing mailings |
Total volume | Number of recipients + Number of responses (total, non-unique) less skipped recipients |
Unique recipients | Number of unique recipients. If a recipient receives multiple mailings, the recipient is only counted once. |
Recipients (absolute) | Total number of recipients |
Recipients minus bounces (absolute) | Total number of recipients whose email addresses did not produce a bounce (message of non-deliverability) |
Recipients minus bounces (%) | Percentage of recipients whose email addresses did not produced a bounce (message of non-deliverability) |
Unique opens (absolute) | Total number of unique opens. Multiple opens by a recipient are seen as one single open. |
Opens (absolute) | Total number of opens |
Unique open rate (%) | Percentage of unique opens in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Open rate (%) | Percentage of total opens in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Unique gross open rate (%) | Percentage of unique opens in relation to the total number of recipients |
Gross open rate (%) | Percentage of total opens in relation to the total number of recipients |
Unique clicks | Number of unique recipients that clicked an arbitrary link in a mailing. It does not matter how often and which link was clicked. |
Clicks (absolute) | Total number of clicks |
Click rate (%) | Percentage of total clicks in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Unique click rate (%) | Percentage of unique clicks in relation to the number of recipients without bounces |
Unique gross click rate (%) | Percentage of unique clicks in relation to the total number of recipients |
Gross click rate (%) | Percentage of total clicks in relation to the total number of recipients |
Effective unique click rate (%) | Percentage of unique clicks in relation to the unique opens |
Unique responses (absolute) | Total number of unique responses |
Unique response rate (%) | Percentage of unique responses in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Unique autoresponder (absolute) | Total number of unique autoresponder messages |
Unique autoresponder rate (%) | Percentage of unique autoresponder messages in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Unique replies (absolute) | Total number of unique replies |
Unique reply rate (%) | Percentage of unique replies in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Unique bounces (absolute) | Total number of unique bounces |
Unique bounce rate (%) | Percentage of unique bounces in relation to the number of recipients |
Unique hard bounces (absolute) | Total number of unique hard bounces |
Unique hard bounce rate (%) | Percentage of unique hard bounces in relation to the total number of bounces |
Unique soft bounces (absolute) | Total number of unique soft bounces |
Unique soft bounce rate (%) | Percentage of unique soft bounces in relation to the total number of bounces |
Unique unsubscribes (absolute) | Number of unique clicks on the unsubscribe link |
Unique unsubscribe rate (%) | Percentage of unique clicks on the unsubscribe link in relation to the number of recipients minus bounces |
Unique net unsubscribe rate (%) | Percentage of unique clicks on the unsubscribe link in relation to the total number of recipients |
These measures are available only if post-click tracking is configured for your client. If you select the Post-click... measure, a new window opens where you can define the measure. To do this, perform the following steps:
- Enter a name.
- Select a service. (If you use only one service, it is already selected.)
- Select whether the measure you want to create is a number (count), a sum or an average.
- If you select Sum or Average, select a post-click value from the drop-down list. If you do not want to filter this value further, save the definition.
- If you select Count, no filters are added.
- To add filters, in the Filter area, click Add and select an operator. The operators depend on whether the selected post click represents a number or a string value.
- Enter a reference value to compare the post-click value with. This comparison is executed according to the operator selected in the previous step.
- Click Submit .
- To add more filter values, click Add and repeat the previous steps.
- Click Save. The newly created post-click measure appears in the New Report window in the Report Data tab.
Entering multiple values
If you select is one of the following values, you can enter multiple values in one text box; for example, if you want to copy values from a CSV file:
- Select the operator is one of the following values and enter the values, for example, comma-separated.
- Open the drop-down list, click the scissors symbol (Separate multiple values) and in the box, enter the used delimiter symbol.
- Click Submit . The entered values are now handled as single values.
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