Bubble chart settings

  • Updated

In edit mode, double-click a widget or hover over a widget and click Edit .

Image: Bubble chart settings

You can make the following settings:

  • Title. The title of the bubble chart. It is displayed centered in a predefined font size. Leave the field blank if you do not want to display a title.
  • Mailings.
    • Number of regular mailings. Enter the number of most recently created regular mailings that you want to display. Transactional mails, test mails, and confirmation mails are excluded.
    • Select mailings. Select one or more mailings. You can select transactional mails as well as regular mailings.
    • Group by campaign. Select the check box to group the selected mailings according to the assigned campaign.
  • X, Y, Z axis values.
    • Recipients. Number of recipients to whom messages are sent.
    • Opens. Opened messages.
      • (absolute). Total number of opens.
      • (unique). Total number of unique opens. Multiple opens by a recipient are seen as a unique open.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total opens in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %.Percentage of unique opens in relation to the number of recipients.
    • Clicks. Clicked links.
      • (absolute). Total number of clicks.
      • (unique). Total number of unique recipients that clicked an arbitrary link in a mailing. It does not matter how often and which link was clicked.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total clicks in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %. Percentage of unique clicks in relation to the number of recipients.
    • Bounces. Messages for which bounces have been registered, including soft and hard bounces.
      • (absolute). Total number of bounces.
      • (unique). Total number of unique bounces.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total bounces in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %. Percentage of unique bounces in relation to the number of recipients.
    • Soft bounces. Messages for which soft bounces have been registered.
      • (absolute). Total number of soft bounces.
      • (unique). Total number of unique soft bounces.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total soft bounces in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %. Percentage of unique soft bounces in relation to the number of recipients.
    • Hard bounces. Messages for which hard bounces have been registered.
      • (absolute). Total number of hard bounces.
      • (unique). Total number of unique hard bounces.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total hard bounces in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %. Percentage of unique hard bounces in relation to the number of recipients.
    • Responses. Messages that return to the sending mail server (including reply, autoresponder, hard and soft bounce).
      • (absolute). Total number of responses.
      • (unique). Total number of unique responses.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total responses in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %. Percentage of unique responses in relation to the number of recipients.
    • Unsubscribes. Registered unsubscribes.
      • (absolute). Total number of unsubscribes.
      • (unique). Total number of unique clicks on an unsubscribe link.
      • (absolute) in %. Percentage of total unsubscribes in relation to the number of recipients.
      • (unique) in %. Percentage of unique clicks on an unsubscribe link in relation to the number of recipients.
  • Display of the x and y axis.
    • Linear. The axis values are displayed linearly - in successive steps.
    • Logarithmic. The axis values are displayed exponentially.