Order details

  • Updated

This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Magento 1.

If you want to send more than the five standard order parameters (product ID, order number, name, price and quantity) provided by the function getOptivoProducts to Optimizely Campaign, you can use a custom template that aggregates and calculates the required variables. This template is linked using the following line and defined in the file items.phtml.

{{layout area="frontend" handle="optivo_email_order_items" order=$order}}

To program the template, you need relevant PHP skills and good knowledge of the Magento object model or order items. Any changes must be applied only after consultation with customer support.

Field name Data type
item_id Integer
order_id Integer
parent_item_id Integer
quote_item_id Integer
store_id Integer
created_at Date
updated_at Date
product_id Integer
product_type String
product_options String
weight Float
is_virtual Boolean
sku String
Name String
Description String
applied_rule_ids String
additional_data String
free_shipping Boolean
is_qty_decimal Boolean
no_discount Boolean
qty_backordered Float
qty_canceled Float
qty_invoiced Float
qty_ordered Float
qty_refunded Float
qty_shipped Float
base_cost Float
price Float
base_price Float
original_price Float
base_original_price Float
tax_percent Float
tax_amount Float
base_tax_amount Float
tax_invoiced Float
base_tax_invoiced Float
discount_percent Float
discount_amount Float
base_discount_amount Float
discount_invoiced Float
base_discount_invoiced Float
amount_refunded Float
base_amount_refunded Float
row_total Float
base_row_total Float
row_invoiced Float
base_row_invoiced Float
row_weight Float
gift_message_id Integer
gift_message_available Integer
base_tax_before_discount Float
tax_before_discount Float
ext_order_item_id String
weee_tax_applied String
weee_tax_applied_amount Float
weee_tax_applied_row_amount Float
base_weee_tax_applied_amount Float
base_weee_tax_applied_row_amnt Float
weee_tax_disposition Float
weee_tax_row_disposition Float
base_weee_tax_disposition Float
base_weee_tax_row_disposition Float
locked_do_invoice Boolean
locked_do_ship Boolean
price_incl_tax Float
base_price_incl_tax Float
row_total_incl_tax Float
base_row_total_incl_tax Float
hidden_tax_amount Float
base_hidden_tax_amount Float
hidden_tax_invoiced Float
base_hidden_tax_invoiced Float
hidden_tax_refunded Float
base_hidden_tax_refunded Float
is_nominal Integer
tax_canceled Float
hidden_tax_canceled Float
tax_refunded Float
event_id Integer
giftregistry_item_id Integer
base_tax_refunded Float
discount_refunded Float
base_discount_refunded Float
gw_id Integer
gw_base_price Float
gw_price Float
gw_base_tax_amount Float
gw_tax_amount Float
gw_base_price_invoiced Float
gw_price_invoiced Float
gw_base_tax_amount_invoiced Float
gw_tax_amount_invoiced Float
gw_base_price_refunded Float
gw_price_refunded Float
gw_base_tax_amount_refunded Float
gw_tax_amount_refunded Float
qty_returned Float