General procedure
In Optimizely Campaign, opt-in processes are campaigns of the type confirmation. The process usually starts with a potential new recipient filling out a special form on a website. This form collects the data required for adding the person as a recipient in a recipient list. Completing the form activates the opt-in process.
If you use a double opt-in process, potential new recipients receive a double opt-in message that contains a double opt-in link. If this link is clicked, it serves two purposes: Firstly, it confirms for Optimizely Campaign that the recipient of the double opt-in message has actively agreed to receiving promotional messages and secondly, it informs the new recipient that he has successfully registered for receiving messages.
Technical details
There are multiple ways to activate an opt-in process:
- Manually adding a potential recipient to an opt-in recipient list
- REST API endpoint (for individual recipients)
- REST API endpoint (for multiple recipients simultaneously)
- SOAP API method add2
- SOAP API method addAll3
- HTTP API operation subscribe.
The opt-in process IDs required for this can be viewed on the page API Overview in Optimizely Campaign.
You can create the double opt-in link by adding the {Double Opt-in Link}
field function into the message draft of the double opt-in message. This can also be done with HTML code, for example <p>To confirm your newsletter subscription, click the following link: <a href="{Double Opt-in Link}">Confirm subscription</a><p>
Calling up the page Opt-in Processes
Context: The page Opt-in Processes provides information about all existing opt-in processs such as ID, name, type, status and URL of the confirmation page.
- In the menu bar, select Campaigns > Opt-in Processes.
Creating a double opt-in process
Context: A double opt-in process allows good legal security and protects recipients from unwanted subscriptions. (see Overview and legal basis of opt-in processes)
Prerequisites: You see the page Opt-in Processes. In your client, there is at least one recipient list with the type opt-in. You know the URL of the confirmation page.
- Click Create…
→ The campaign editor is displayed. - Drag the recipients node from the side panel to the design area.
The menu Recipient Lists is displayed. - If the menu Recipient Lists is not displayed: Move the mouse pointer to the recipients node and in the pop-up menu, click on properties.
- Select one or more opt-in recipient lists. You must use a recipient list with the type opt-in!
- Drag the message node Opt-In-Email from the side panel to the design area.
→ A menu is displayed. - If the menu for the message node is not displayed: Move the mouse pointer on the message node and in the pop-up menu, click on properties.
- In the drop-down list, select the opt-in type double.
- In the field Name, enter a name for the opt-in process.
- Optional: In the field Description, enter a description for the opt-in process.
- In the field Confirmation page URL, enter the URL of the confirmation page.
- Optional: If you want to add the parameters bmrecipientid, bmrecipientlistid or mailing to the Confirmation page URL for tracking and analytics, activate the respective checkboxes.
- Click on Edit Content... and edit the message draft just as in other campaigns.
- Add the double opt-in link to the message draft (see technical details)
- Save the message draft.
- Connect the nodes in the campaign editor.
- Save the double opt-in process just as any other campaign.
→ The new opt-in process is in status sending.
Cancelling an opt-in process
Prerequisites: You see the page Opt-In Processes.
- Select the desired process in the list.
- Click Cancel.
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