Export and import Optimizely Email Product Recommendations campaigns

  • Updated

This topic describes exporting and importing Optimizely Email Product Recommendations campaigns with a CSV file.

If you have campaigns built across different markets and locales and you want to make a change affecting your active campaigns, you can create a master CSV file that contains the configuration of your active campaigns. You can edit and import changes into the Email Product Recommendations Portal.

You should export campaigns to keep the proper format, then make changes and import the updated file. Do not prepare CSV files on your own.

Export Email Product Recommendations campaigns

  1. From the Email Product Recommendations > Campaigns view, click Export campaigns. The Exporting campaigns dialog box displays.


  2. Activate Select all to download every client in all locales, or enable only the Client site and Locales you want to export to a CSV file.
  3. Click Export campaigns to create the CSV file.

    According to your language setting, CSV reports from the Email Product Recommendations Portal are localized (number formatting and CSV separator). For example, English CSV files will have a comma (,) separator and a period (.) decimal point (such as Sep 2021, 11.49); German CSV files will have a semicolon (;) separator and a comma (,) decimal separator (such as Sep 2021; 11,49).

Make changes to the CSV file

You can open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel.

Image: CSV file in MS Excel

Within the CSV file, a hyphen represents duplicated values for the columns before RecPosition (column L). For example, in the previous image, the values in cells C3, C4, and C5 (-) are duplicates of those in cell C2 (Order Dispatch). If you change the value in C2, then C3, C4, and C5 also inherit the changed value.

You can make changes only to the following fields (Column ID added):

  • C. CampaignName
  • F. TrackingCode
  • G. DontRepeatRecsForDays
  • H. UseTopups
  • I. PreviewESP
  • J. PreviewEmailVariable
  • K. PreviewTriggerId
  • M. Strategies
  • N. StrategyHints
  • O. StrategyExpression
  • P. FallbackProductSet

Do not add campaigns to the CSV file. If you add campaigns to the CSV file, you will receive an error message, and the CSV file will not be imported. To add a campaign, copy or create one in the Email Product Recommendations Portal before exporting the CSV file.

Import Email Product Recommendations campaigns

The updated fields in the imported campaign configuration in the CSV file overwrite their respective fields in the existing campaign configurations for the specified client sites and locales in the CSV file.

After you modify the exported CSV file, import the file as follows.

  1. From the Email Product Recommendations > Campaigns view, click Import campaigns. The Importing campaigns dialog box displays.


  2. Click Browse, then select a CSV file that contains your campaign configurations.
  3. Click Import CSV file.