Target content by customer segment

  • Updated

You can use widgets to target promotions or content to customer segments by creating a widget that only appears for one customer segment.

These steps apply to any widget available for that particular page.

Create content visible to a customer segment

  1. Select the page for the targeted content.
  2. Select a customer segment that should see the content, such as Signed In.
  3. Add a widget containing text or images for these users.
    1. Click Edit to begin editing the page.
    2. Select Edit in the row table and choose the desired configuration. If not, proceed to the next step.
    3. Click Add Widget within a cell.
    4. Search for or select a widget.
    5. Add content to the widget. If needed, review the Work with Widgets in Spire article.
    6. Click Save when you are finished.

Now, only Signed In users see this widget's content.

Hide content from other customer segments

You can also hide content from customer segments.

  1. Select a customer segment to hide content from.
  2. Click the widget's Edit button.
  3. Clear the content then type a space in the text editor.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Publish, then click Publish again in the Publishing Home window to approve the changes.
  6. Complete steps 1 through 5 for all customer segments that should not see this content.
  7. Test the widget by toggling between customer segments.