Import products to PIM

  • Updated

After the initial configuration of properties and product templates, you can import products to create and update product data in Optimizely Product Information Management (PIM).

You can save the mappings and import options you set up during the import process as import templates to import other files with the same format. PIM logs imports to access details and resolves any issues.

Accepted file types for import include Excel (.xls and .xlsx) and comma-separated values (.csv).

Imported products must have a product number.

Best practices

  • You can create and update product records in PIM using import data from suppliers, data feeds, or internal sources like commerce or your ERP. 
  • Pricing, taxation, inventory, and other transactional data are typically managed in your ERP and not imported into the PIM.
  • Column headers in your import file identify the source fields that can be mapped. When importing data with the same column headers as a saved template, the PIM automatically detects and matches the template, simplifying the import process.
  • You can import static values to a mapped property or set a default value to be imported if the product has no data for a column.

PIM has built-in functionality to prevent import issues, such as:

  • Let only the roles of Administrator or Product Importer import product data.
  • Use advanced import options to avoid overwriting existing values as part of mapping during import.
  • Restore a previous version of a product, correct issues in the product grid, or export the data to make updates.

Imports page

The Imports page displays a log of prior imports other than assets.


You can view the following information about each import:

  • Import Number
  • Import Type
  • File Name
  • Status
  • Total Records
  • Imported number of records
  • Errors for records imported
  • Import Template used
  • Time Started
  • Time Completed
  • Initiated By

Filter the Import list

  • Click the Filter icon to enable or disable column filters. This adds a row below the column headers with options for filtering each column.
  • Click a column header to sort the list.
  • See also Filter products.

Import products

Use the Imports page to import many products at once.

  1. Click Imports. The Imports list page appears.
  2. Drag and drop the file onto the Imports page. You can also click Import, locate your file, and click Open. The page automatically detects the Import Type and asks you in the Notes column to verify the import type selected. 
  3. Click Import. The Import Wizard displays.
  4. Select an option for handling new or existing records:
    • Add or update records
    • Only add new records
    • Only update existing records
  5. Choose whether to Ignore blank cells. If you ignore blank cells when updating, the import does not overwrite existing data with a null value.
  6. Click Select Source Fields to map.
  7. Select File includes name/value pairs if your data has columns for a series of names and values, where many properties may exist within any 'name' column. Select the columns with the names and values. You can then map all unique values within the name columns to properties.
  8. Select the checkboxes beside the columns that you want to import in Available Fields.
  9. Click Continue. The wizard maps the source fields to the target properties.
  10. Change or select any Target Properties if needed.
  11. Select Hide mapped fields if you want to hide fields and focus on the unmapped fields.
  12. Add a Static Value to import a specific value for all imported records if desired. For example, the vendor or supplier name.
  13. Select Save this option as an import template to save these field mappings and import options. The wizard automatically uses the file name plus "Template".
  14. Click Import.

Once the import is complete, it shows in the import log. If there are errors, you can click Errors Remaining in the status column to access the import details where you can review and correct validation issues and then reprocess the import.

When importing data mapped to properties that allow ad-hoc values, the import process adds new property values.

Update products

  1. Click Imports. The Imports list page displays.
  2. Drag and drop the file onto the Imports page. You can also click Browse or Import, locate your file, and click Open. The page automatically detects the Import Type and asks you in the Notes column to verify the import type selected. If the columns match a previously saved template, the page selects that template under Import Template.
  3. Verify the Import Type and Import Template chosen.
  4. Click Import.

If successful, a confirmation displays, and the import shows in the import log. If there are errors, the Notes column lets you download the file to fix the error and Re-Upload it.

Definitions of import-related terms

  • Source Fields – Fields derived from the header row of an import file that you map to target properties.
  • Target Properties – Product properties in the PIM that you map to the source fields.
  • Static Value – A value treated as a source field when you map it to a target property for all records. Imported products have this value set for the target property.
  • Existing Field – A field already included in the import file that you want to map to multiple Target Properties. 
  • Default Value – A value used as the default for records with no value for the source field.
  • Name/Value Pair – Some import files have properties and their values defined in pairs of columns with generic column headers. You must map these files differently from the standard header or row import fields.

Troubleshoot import errors

Data validation occurs when initializing a product import.

  • Product records are not imported if they have data for a field in the spreadsheet that fails validation based on the property definition of the target property.
  • Validation errors do not cause an import to fail, but you must clean up your data to import the records with validation issues.
  • You can change fields on the product grid to address errors for products following the import.