By default, Optimizely Configured Commerce hides a number of fields that are seldom used or require custom development. This is done to improve the user experience and decrease any confusion caused by exposing unnecessary fields. However, if a particular field is needed, it can quickly be exposed via the Enable Master Edit Mode option. This functionality is especially useful when exploring and testing additional functionality, as it allows the ISC_System or ISC_Implementer roles to quickly make changes to a field without having to switch roles or change permissions.
Additionally, developers have the ability to rename existing placeholder fields available on existing Optimizely entities. Some properties exist on those entities that are used for common integrations and are not used by default, out of the box. These fields can be used for other purposes if need be.
Only users with the roles of ISC_System or ISC_Implementer can enable Master Edit Mode.
- Go to the Admin Console.
- On the Primary Header, click Debug.
- Select Enable Master Edit Mode from the menu.
Hidden Fields
Listed below are the fields and where the field is located.
Entity Name | Property Name | Property Label |
carrier | carrierZones | Carrier Zones |
carrier | shipCharges | Ship Charges |
carrier | shipRules | Ship Rules |
category | categoryRelatedProducts | Category Related Products |
category | erpProductValues | ERP Product Values |
category | isFeatured | Featured |
category | showDetail | Show Detail |
category | specifications | Specifications |
category | documents | Documents |
categoryAttributeType | detailDisplaySequence | Detail Display Sequence |
configurationOption | comboMultiSelect | Multiple Selection Allowed |
configurationOption | parentId | Parent Configuration |
configurationOption | setAsFutureDefault | Default for other configurations |
creditCardTransaction | cardType | Card Type |
creditCardTransaction | creditCardNumber | Masked Card Number |
creditCardTransaction | expirationDate | Card Expiration |
customer | address4 | Address 4 |
customer | allowDropShip | Allow Drop Ship |
customer | bankCode | Bank Code |
customer | carriers | Carriers |
customer | creditHold | Credit Hold |
customer | creditLimit | Credit Limit |
customer | customerProductSets | Customer Product Sets |
customer | defaultCostCode | Default Cost Code |
customer | discountPercent | Discount Percent |
customer | dropShipFeeRequired | Drop Ship Fee Required |
customer | endUserType | End User Type |
customer | fax | Fax |
customer | isDropShip | Drop Ship |
customer | isGuest | Guest |
customer | logoImagePath | Logo Image Path |
customer | parentId | Parent |
customer | shipEarly | Ship Early |
customer | shipPartial | Ship Partial |
customer | shipSite | Ship Site |
customer | taxCode2 | Tax Code 2 |
customer | territory | Territory |
dealer | fax | Fax |
integrationConnection | runsOn | Runs On |
integrationConnection | appServerService | App Server Service |
integrationConnection | gatewayService | Gateway Service |
integrationConnection | messageServerService | Message Server Service |
integrationConnection | systemIds | System IDs |
integrationJob | resultData | Result Data |
jobDefinition | lastRunDateTime | Last Run Date Time |
jobDefinition | lastRunJobNumber | Last Run Job Number |
jobDefinition | lastRunStatus | Last Run Status |
jobDefinition | passDataSetToLinkedJob | Pass DataSet To Linked Job |
jobDefinition | passThroughJob | Passthrough Job |
language | alternateLanguages | Alternate Languages |
product | allowAnyGiftCardAmount | Allow Any Gift Card Amount |
product | displayPricePerPiece | Display Price Per Piece |
product | erpDescription | ERP Description |
product | handlingAmountOverride | Handling Amount Override |
product | hasMsds | Has MSDS |
product | isGiftCard | Gift Card |
product | isHazardousGood | Hazardous Good |
product | isSpecialOrder | Special Order |
product | isSubscription | Subscription Product? |
product | minimumOrderQty | Minimum Order Qty |
product | name | Name |
product | priceBasis | Price Basis |
product | productCode | Product Code |
product | qtyPerShippingPackage | Qty Per Shipping Package |
product | shippingAmountOverride | Shipping Amount Override |
product | shippingClassification | Shipping Classification |
product | shippingHeight | Shipping Height |
product | shippingLength | Shipping Length |
product | shippingWidth | Shipping Width |
product | sku | SKU |
product | subscriptionAddToInitialOrder | Add To Initial Order |
product | subscriptionAllMonths | Subscription All Months |
product | subscriptionApril | April |
product | subscriptionAugust | August |
product | subscriptionCyclePeriod | Cycle Period |
product | subscriptionDecember | December |
product | subscriptionFebruary | February |
product | subscriptionFixedPrice | Fixed Price |
product | subscriptionJanuary | January |
product | subscriptionJuly | July |
product | subscriptionJune | June |
product | subscriptionMarch | March |
product | subscriptionMay | May |
product | subscriptionNovember | November |
product | subscriptionOctober | October |
product | subscriptionPeriodsPerCycle | Periods Per Cycle |
product | subscriptionProducts | Subscription Products |
product | subscriptionSeptember | September |
product | subscriptionShipViaId | Ship Via |
product | subscriptionTotalCycles | Total Cycles |
product | unitCost | Unit Cost |
product | unspsc | UNSPSC |
product | upcCode | UPC Code |
product | subscriptionShipVia | Subscription Ship Via |
product | customerProductSets | Customer Product Sets |
productWarehouse | isDiscontinued | Is Discontinued |
salesperson | code | Code |
salesperson | isOutsideRep | Outside Rep |
salesperson | phone2 | Phone 2 |
salesperson | referenceNumber | Reference Number |
salesperson | salesClass | Sales Class |
salesperson | salesPeriodToDate | Sales Period To Date |
salesperson | salesYearToDate | Sales Year To Date |
shipVia | shipCharges | Ship Charges |
specification | value | Value |
taxExemption | amount | Amount |
userProfile | extension | Extension |
userProfile | fax | Fax |
userProfile | limitExceededNotification | Limit Exceeded Notification |
userProfile | position | Position |
vendor | ranking | Ranking |
vendor | regularMarkup | Regular Markup |
vendor | saleMarkup | Sale Markup |
vendor | vendorMessage | Vendor Message |
warehouse | shipSite | Ship Site |
website | defaultShipSite | Default Ship Site |
website | mapProductsToCategories | Auto Map Products To Categories |
website | address3 | Address 3 |
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