Fallback image used when there is an image in recommended content

  • Updated

When working with Content Recommendation some customers have noted that they are seeing fallback images being used in widgets when there is an existing image for the recommended content.


The image being displayed on the widget is based on the metadata for the content being displayed. The following steps can be taken to identify the source of the behavior.

  1. Within the Content Recommendations portal navigate to Content > Content List.
  2. Search for the content being displayed. The best practice would be to use the original URL of the content item. Note that you may need to remove some query string parameters to find the exact content.
  3. Confirm that there is an image metadata present for the content item.
  4. If there is an image listed confirm that the image referenced is still valid on the site.
  5. Compare the URL in the metadata to the URL of the image used on the recommended content by inspecting the page's source and searching for the og:image tag.

If the image metadata is incorrect then the content may have originally ingested the content when the image was blank, the original image may have changed, or the original image may no longer be on the site. Reimporting the content can typicaly correct this issue without the need of developer assistance using the following steps.

Note: Reimporting the content will clear any manual adjustments to the content items that were performed. Since there is not a method for rolling back the content you should note if there are any customizations to the content as these would need to be readded.

  1. Navigate to content > Content List
  2. Select any content that has incorrect/missing metadata.
  3. Click Actions > Reimport.
  4. Review the metadata for the content that was originally seeing the behavior.