The Widget Type "Spam Complaint Widget"

  • Updated


Widgets of the type Spam Complaint Widget present data about spam complaints that were caused by messages from Optimizely Campaign. If a recipient reports a message as spam or moves it to the spam folder, many ISPs report this information back to Optimizely Campaign. Spam may also be detected if your messages reach inactive email adresses that are used as spam traps. Monitoring this information is important to protect your sender reputation.

How to Read Spam Complaint Widgets

About Spam Complaint Widgets

A spam complaint widget shows the absolute number of reported spam complaints within a selected time range. The widget breaks these down by ISPs in a chart. Three chart types are available:

  • Pie
  • Bar
  • Column

Hover the mouse pointer over a section of the chart to see the exact number. Selecting the time period and exporting the chart work the same way as for other widgets (see Widget features).

About the CSA Complaint Rate View

While the absolute number of spam complaints collected by Optimizely Campaign is useful, it does not give you a precise assessment of your sender reputation. The CSA complaint rate view shows the rate of spam complaints to delivered messages based on the CSA's data. It includes clicks on the spam button and emails that were moved into the spam folder. Spam trap hits are listed separately. The acceptable limit for spam complaints in a 7-day average is 0.30%.

The menu has two pages, organized in Tabs:

  • The tab 7-day Average shows the average spam complaint rate for each of your sending domains during the last 7 days.
  • The tab Daily Rates shows the daily spam complaint rate and spam trap hits for each of your sending domains.

Using the CSA Complaint Rate View

Prerequisites: You see a spam complaint widget on the page Performance Dashboard.

  1. In the bottom left of the spam complaint widget, click on performance_dashboard_-_csa_cr_button.png (CSA menu)
    → The CSA complaint rate view is displayed.
  2. Optional: Close the hint on top of the window to get more space for your data.
  3. Optional: To switch between 7-day averages and daily rates, click on tab titles.
  4. To go back to the performance dashboard, click on Close.

How to Define Spam Complaint Widgets

Creating a Spam Complaint Widget

Prerequisites: You see the page Performance Dashboard.

  1. Switch to edit mode and start creating a new widget as usual (see Creation and Adjustment of Widgets in Edit Mode).
  2. In the field Widget type, select Spam complaints chart (time-based).
  3. Optional: Change the default settings for the widget according to your needs.
  4. Click on Apply.
    → The new widget appears on the performance dashboard in edit mode.
  5. Click on Apply.
    → The new widget is displayed on the performance dashboard.

Editing a Spam Complaint Widget

Prerequisites: You see the page Performance Dashboard.

  1. Switch to edit mode and edit the widget as usual (see Creation and Adjustment of Widgets in Edit Mode).