This is a simple example on how to use interfaces with blocks and AllowedTypes on contentareas using cms 12
1. Interface should be inherited from IContentData
public interface ISpecificBlock : IContentData{}
2. Custom interface should have individual UI Descriptor
/// <summary> /// Represents a UI descriptor for ISpecificBlock content. /// </summary> [UIDescriptorRegistration] public class SpecificBlockUIDescriptor : UIDescriptor<ISpecificBlock> { /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpecificBlockUIDescriptor"/> class. /// </summary> public SpecificBlockUIDescriptor() : base(ContentTypeCssClassNames.SharedBlock) { IsPrimaryType = true; ContainerTypes = new Type[] { typeof(ContentFolder) }; // list block folder in restore dialog only, since block cannot be moved into another block. SortKey = new SortColumn { ColumnName = "typeIdentifier", SortDescending = true }; CommandIconClass = "epi-iconCreateSharedBlock"; } public bool ActAsAnAsset { get { returntrue; } } }
Block inheriting from interface
public class JumbotronBlock : SiteBlockData, ISpecificBlock
[AllowedTypes(new[] { typeof(ISpecificBlock ) })]
public virtual ContentArea RelatedContentArea { get; set; }
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