Default Sorting of Workarea Content

  • Updated

After applying the latest CU, content is no longer ordered by title, but is ordered by date modified. 

This was changed in CU12 of 9.1SP1

17175 - In the Workarea's display of content items, you could not change the default sort, such that the newest items always appeared first. To change the default, modify these keys to the  appsettings  section of  web.config :

add key="ek_defaultWorkareaSortField" value="datemodified"                         
add key="ek_defaultWorkareaSortOrder" value="asc"                              
allowed values for ek_defaultWorkareaSortField are: title, language, id, status, datemodified, editor                             
allowed values for ek_defaultWorkareaSortOrder are: asc, desc

  1. Modify the web.config: siteroot/web.config
  2. Change the following value(s):
    add key="ek_defaultWorkareaSortField" value="datemodified"                         
    add key="ek_defaultWorkareaSortOrder" value="asc"                              
    allowed values for ek_defaultWorkareaSortField are: title, language, id, status, datemodified, editor 

allowed values for ek_defaultWorkareaSortOrder are: asc, desc