Upgrade instructions for Configured Commerce SDK 5.2

  • Updated

These instructions are for upgrading from 5.1. to 5.2. To upgrade from 4.6, follow the instructions for upgrading to 5.1 first.

Follow the steps below to upgrade Optimizely Configured Commerce SDK.

Update SDK-supplied source files

There are two possible approaches:

  • Unzip the latest 5.2.0 SDK.
  • Copy the following from the 5.2.0 SDK folder into your project:
    • src/FrontEnd//.
    • src/InsiteCommerce.Web//.

Be sure to check for any customizations you may have made that are overwritten.


  • Unzip the latest 5.1.0 SDK.
  • Unzip the latest 5.2.0 SDK.
  • Compare the /src folder to see what changes were made for the new SDK.\ If doing so exclude /src/InsiteCommerce.Web/_SystemResources.

Update package references

For any c# projects, ensure you update them to reference the appropriate 5.2.0.X verson of Insite.Commerce.Public and Insite.Commerce.Private

The Configured Commerce private Nuget feed moved from MyGet to https://nuget.optimizely.com/feed/packages.svc. You may need to update your nuget configuration.

The InsiteCommerce.sln and NuGet.config files have moved from /src/ to the root.

Build and test

  • Compile to identify any breaking changes and resolve them.
  • Attempt to run the site with the new code in place and identify inconsistencies.
  • Determine which new features are desired.
  • Use the Responsive theme to weave in any new changes (if you use the Classic CMS).
  • Build Spire using your blueprint to address any breaking changes in your blueprint (if you use the Spire CMS).

Key features

The major features introduced in this SDK are listed in the 5.2 SDK Release Announcement.

Breaking changes

Optimizely attempts to minimize breaking changes, but sometimes they are inevitable. The specific changes are detailed in the cumulative spreadsheet attached to each set of release notes, but it may be easier to look for compilation problems and remediate them individually. (Note the two tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet: one for cumulative breaking changes, one for Spire breaking changes.)