Row Templates
You can save individual rows as row templates and reuse them. You can find row templates in the Layout tab in the side panel. A drop-down menu offers various categories of row templates to choose from:
- Empty row templates: Row templates without content with different column divisions for defining the layout.
- Own row templates: Row templates that were created in the current client.
- Shared row templates: Row templates that were created on another client and have been released for cross-client use.
If no rows from a category are available, the category is not displayed.
Row templates are either standard row templates or synchronized row templates. The difference is that you can insert a row based on a standard row template to a design and then edit the row individually, while changes to synchronized row templates will apply everywhere where the row template is used.
Synchronized row templates are marked with the icon in the side panel and have a purple frame in the design when selected. They are useful, for example, to update action banners with new content or to keep headers and footers up to date in multiple message drafts.
Standard row templates can be used as shared row templates across multiple clients. Synchronized row templates are limited to the client in which they were created because they may have properties that cannot be transferred to other clients.
Saving a row template
Prerequisites: You see a design in the design editor. You have designed a row and want to save it as a template.
- Select the row.
- In the menu within the row, click on
- Enter a name for the saved row.
- Select whether you want to save the row as a standard row template or a synchronized row template.
- Click save.
→ The row is saved.
Adding a row from a row template
Prerequisites: You see a design in the design editor. At least one row template is available.
- In the side panel, open the tab Layout.
- In the drop-down menu, select Own Rows or Shared Rows.
→ Available rows are listed. - Drag the a row template to its desired place in the design area.
→ A row with the contents of the row template is added to the design.
Editing a synchronized row template
Context: Rows based on a synchronized row template cannot be edited directly in the design. However, you can edit the row template in a separate editor.
Prerequisites: You see a design in the design editor. The design contains at least one row based on a synchronized row template.
- Select a row that is based on a synchronized row template.
- Click on
(Edit) in the menu within the row.
→ A dialog is displayed. - Click on Edit synchronized row.
→ The row template is opened in its own editor. - Edit the row content.
Expand the Update row button and click Update row and close.
→ A dialog lists the designs that are affected by the change. - Check whether the change is appropriate for all listed designs and if so, click Update row.
→ The changes are saved and automatically applied to all designs that use the row template.
Converting a synchronized row to a standard row
Context: You can convert a synchronized row into a standard row so that it is no longer synchronized in the current design.
Prerequisites: You see a design in the design editor. The design contains at least one synchronized row.
- Select the synchronized row.
- Click on
(Edit) in the menu within the row.
→ A dialog is displayed. - Click on Convert to standard row.
→ The row becomes a standard row and can be edited within the design.
Editing the type or properties of a row template
Context: You can subsequently change the name and type of a row template.
Prerequisites: You see a design in the design editor. At least one row template is available.
- Open the Layout tab in the side panel.
- Select Own row templates.
- Click on
(Options) in the row preview.
- Select Edit info.
- If required, adjust the name and specify whether the row template should be a standard row template or a synchronized row template.
- Click on Update.
→ The properties of the row template are changed.
Deleting a row template
Prerequisites: You see a design in the design editor. At least one row template is available.
- Open the Layout tab in the page area.
- Select Own rows.
- Click on
(Options) in the row preview.
- Select Delete.
- Confirm the query.
→ The row is deleted.
The file manager
The file manager stores images that can be used in your designs. You can upload images which are then accessible across all designs linked to your account.
With the File Manager, you can:
- Browse, search, and sort your files
- Import new files
- Create folders
- Preview files
- Add files to designs
Opening the file manager
There are two ways to open the file manager:
- In an empty image element, click the Browse button.
- In an image element with an image, click the Change image button in the side panel.
Uploading an image via drag and drop
Prerequisites: You see the file manager.
- On your local system, open an explorer window.
- Navigate to the file you want to upload.
- Put the explorer window and the browser with the file manager next to each other.
- Drag a file from your computer to the browser and drop it in the list of files.
→ The image is added to your file library.
Uploading an image with the Upload button
Prerequisites: You see the file manager.
- Above the list of files, click Upload.
- Navigate to the file you want to upload and click open (or similar, depending on your operating system).
→ The image is added to your image library.
Viewing, finding and previewing files
You can view files in tile view or list view. To switch between views, use the buttons (list) and
(tiles) above the list of files. Click the column titles above the list to sort the list (this also works in tile view). To search files in the current folder by file name, use the field search in folder. To see a large preview of an image, hover over an image file and click on
Deleting an image
Prerequisites: You see the file manager.
- If you use list view, place your mouse pointer over the image you want to delete.
→ The button(Delete) is displayed.
- In the row or tile of the image, click
- Confirm that you want to permanently delete the image.
→ The image is deleted from your library.
Deleting multiple images
Prerequisites: You see the file manager.
- Checkmark all images you want to delete.
→ The button Delete all appears above the list. - Click Delete all.
- Confirm you want to delete the images.
→ The images are deleted from your library.
You can create folders to organize your images. Use the button (new Folder) above the list of images to create a folder. Folder names may consist of:
- letters
- numbers
- spaces
- periods
- hyphens
- underscores.
Files cannot be moved between folders, only deleted from a folder.
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